Roundtable on 'Will Macron change Europe?'
19 September 2018
With Sophie Pedder and Michaela Wiegel
20th birthday party, Brussels
18 September 2018
With a keynote speech by Frans Timmermans, First Vice President, European Commission

CER/Kreab breakfast on 'Is the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy making Europe more secure?'
11 July 2018
With David McAllister, Member and Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament

CER/UK Trade Forum roundtable on 'Transatlantic trade relations and the UK: The way forward'
10 July 2018
With Dan Mullaney, Allie Renison and Anna Fielder

CER/Kreab breakfast on 'The 2018 NATO summit: European defence investment, burden sharing and addressing new hybrid threats'
29 June 2018
With Camille Grand, Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, NATO

Breakfast on 'Business and Brexit'
14 June 2018
With Carolyn Fairbairn, Director-General, CBI

CER/Kreab breakfast on 'What can China and the EU do to save globalisation?'
07 June 2018
With Zhang Ming, Ambassador of China to the EU