Video interview on 'How to build a modern European Union'
09 October 2013
Charles Grant discusses his latest CER report which discusses the fact that despite its many achievements, the EU’s institutions and policies are badly in need of an overhaul.
Video interview on 'Is Russia's foreign policy changing?'
09 October 2013
Charles Grant interviewed Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of Russia in Global Affairs and chairman of the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy, Moscow
Video interview on 'Is immigration a reason for Britain to leave the EU?
01 October 2013
John Springford discusses his latest policy brief on the impact of EU migration on Britain’s economy: 'Is immigration a reason for Britain to leave the EU?'
Video interview on 'The future of Europe's economy: Disaster or deliverance?'
18 September 2013
Simon Tilford discusses the CER's latest report 'The future of Europe's economy: Disaster or deliverance?' by Paul De Grauwe, George Magnus, Thomas Mayer and Holger Schmieding.
Video interview on 'The CER commission on the UK and the single market'
12 June 2013
The case for British membership of the EU has always rested primarily on the country's participation in the single market. The CER's commission on the UK and the single market will examine whether participation in the EU helps or hinders Britain's economy.
Video interview on 'How the EU's legitimacy has suffered since the euro crisis'
12 June 2013
Charles Grant discusses how the euro crisis has hit the EU's legitimacy.
Video interview on 'How to improve legitimacy by involving national parliaments in the EU'
12 June 2013
Charles Grant discusses how part of the answer to improve EU legitimacy is to give national parliamentarians a bigger role in the EU.
Video interview on 'The working time directive'
20 May 2013
Katinka Barysch discusses her recent policy brief 'The working time directive: What's the fuss about?'. The working time directive has had limited impact on British business. It has caused trouble in hospitals partly because the NHS relies so heavily on junior doctors.
Interview on 'Do Britain’s European ties damage its prosperity?'
22 March 2013
Eurosceptics claim that EU membership has become a major drag on the British economy. If Britain left the EU, they argue, it would be freed of irksome continental influences like regulations and protectionism – and would consequently become freer, more prosperous and truer to its globalising nature.
Video interview analysing David Cameron's EU speech
24 January 2013
Hugo Brady argues why Britain should remain a key player in EU crime and policing policy
28 November 2012
Britain needs to decide by 2014 whether to remain a central player in EU crime and policing policy. If not, the UK must opt-out of over 130 forms of European co-operation in this area with no guarantee of future access to - amongst other things - the European arrest warrant,...
Charles Grant discusses President Hollande and France
17 November 2012
Charles Grant discusses his recent insight article 'Hollande, the Germans and 'political union'. ...Before becoming French president, Franҫois Hollande did not appear to take much interest in the EU. However, in his youth he was a protégé of Jacques Delors, the French left’s great European, and his instincts seem...