CER/AIG Geopolitical Risk Series: Webinar on 'What the European Parliament elections mean for Europe'
Rosa Balfour, Director, Carnegie Europe
Katharina Braig, Head of European Parliament Unit, Federal Foreign Office, Germany
Raphael Bossong, Deputy Head of Research Division EU/Europe, German Institute for International & Security Affairs (SWP)
Joscha Ritz, Deputy Director, Brussels Office, BDI/BDA The German Business Representation
Chair: Luigi Scazzieri, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
The results of the European Parliament elections this June will be a barometer of public opinion across the EU. The elections will also influence the makeup of the next European Commission and shape the EU's policies on a range of issues, from the economy, climate, energy and trade to foreign policy, migration and defence. In this webinar we will assess the election results and focus on their implications. We will focus on questions such as: what do the results mean for the 'grand coalition' of centrist forces that has so far dominated the European Parliament? How will the composition of the European Parliament shape EU policies over the next four years? Will right-wing forces form a coherent grouping and how much influence will they be able to exert? Will the new European Parliament influence EU policies towards actors such as Russia, China and the US?