Britain picks former New Labour spin doctor as EU negotiator
13 January 2025
Charles Grant, the director of the influential Centre for European Reform think-tank added that the appointment [of Michael Ellam] “should go down well in Brussels."
Den ukjente militæralliansen skal handle mens NATO tenker
11 January 2025
Harstad Tidende
«Om ikke noen allerede hadde funnet på JEF, ville det være helt nødvendig å gjøre det nå» Dette skrev Ian Bond i den innflytelsesrike tankesmien Centre for European Reform i London i desember. Han er svært glad for JEF er særlig oppmerksom på Russlands hybride krigføring mot europeiske energi- og kommunikasjonskabler på havbunnen.
Indian steel exports could suffer as the EU enforces carbon border rules
09 January 2025
Eco Business
A study, published by the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-tank, on December 3, highlights that many countries may require additional support from the EU to upgrade their heavy industries for a net-zero future.
The politics of anger born of economic discontent... The world enters a 'populist cycle'
06 January 2025
Zach Meyers, assistant director of the Centre for European Reform, one of Europe's leading think-tanks, said, "populism is the result of economic insecurity. Europe, including the UK, has been struggling with long-term low growth."
De Duitse economie krimpt, fabrieken sluiten. Het Duitse ‘zelfbeeld’ is niet houdbaar, zegt econoom Tordoir
03 January 2025
NRC Handelsblad
Duitsland blijkt opeens de oude man van Europa. De digitalisering blijft achter, de infrastructuur is verouderd en China ondermijnt de Duitse industriële basis. „Dit is een existentiële bedreiging.”
The Telegraph is wrong (again) about Brexit damage
03 January 2025
The New European
Jessop then takes aim at the work of several people including John Springford of the Centre for European Reform, who created a “doppelganger” of a UK economy to which Brexit never happened. This ‘shadow economy’, built through sophisticated modelling, reacts just as the UK has done in the past so we can see how the UK has performed in comparison with the model since Brexit. Springford’s model assesses the hit of Brexit as being 5%.
No, Brexit is not costing Britain £100bn a year
02 January 2025
The Telegraph
The best work here has been done by John Springford at the Centre for European Reform. At face value, his doppelganger models suggest that Brexit has shrunk the UK economy by at least 5pc, which would be well over £100bn a year.
In a right-leaning EU, Meloni poised to be bridge to Trump
31 December 2024
The Parliament Magazine
“It may not be as much of a problem because of the affinity that she has with Trump,” Luigi Scazzieri, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, tells The Parliament. “Maybe he won't pick on her as badly as he would if it were a country that had a left-wing leader.”
Polens EU-Ratspräsidentschaft – Experten erwarten moderaten Einfluss
30 December 2024
Polskie Radio
Die ungarische Präsidentschaft, die am 1. Juli 2024 begann, erregte viel Aufmerksamkeit, blieb jedoch hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Zselyke Csaky, Expertin des Londoner Think Tanks Centre for European Reform (CER), äußerte sich kritisch zur ungarischen Amtsführung. „Es gab viel Lärm, aber wenig echten Einfluss“, so Csaky. Besonders umstritten war die diplomatische Offensive von Ungarns Premier Viktor Orbán im Juli, bei der er in Kiew, Moskau und Peking Gespräche führte.
En 2025, un retour de la stabilité politique en France et en Allemagne est plus que nécessaire pour l’économie de l’UE
27 December 2024
Zach Meyers, directeur adjoint du Centre for European Reform, insiste également sur les profonds désaccords au sein de l’UE concernant la politique à adopter à l’égard du géant asiatique — un point mis en évidence lors de l’imposition par la Commission européenne de droits de douane élevés sur les véhicules électriques chinois, que la France a soutenue, mais à laquelle l’Allemagne s’est opposée avec véhémence.
With Donald Trump on the way and no end to war, EU is in a defence muddle
26 December 2024
The Irish Independent
“We have a problem that some member-states are more constrained fiscally, and some member-states are further away from the military threats, so have much less incentive to pull their weight,” said Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform.“Solving it with common borrowing allows you to provide common security for all.”
The EU's enlargement dilemma
25 December 2024
Anadolu Agency
Anunita Chandrasekar of the Centre for European Reform (CER), said that she agreed with the view that the promise of enlargement to the Western Balkans was not kept, "led to disappointment", and noted that the change in enlargement policies in the Union was due to security concerns after the start of the war in Ukraine.
Is the UK-EU reset worth pursuing?
19 December 2024
Labour has taken a defensive position on Brexit since Keir Starmer first set out his red lines at the Centre for European Reform’s 24th birthday party in 2022.
BNR Nieuws: Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis sluit Volkswagen een Duitse fabriek
19 December 2024
Volkswagen maakte in september bekend te overwegen voor het eerst twee fabrieken te sluiten in Duitsland. Aanleiding daarvoor is overcapaciteit door een zwakkere autoverkoop in Europa, vooral van elektrische auto's. Dat resulteerde in een massale staking door het personeel van de autobouwer. Sander Tordoir, hoofdeconoom van denktank Centre for European Reform vertelt hoe het er nu voorstaat met Volkswagen.
Charities are often overlooked when it comes to Budget impacts
19 December 2024
Financial Times
John Springford, at the Centre for European Reform, says that by comparing Britain’s trade with the EU to that with the rest of the world, the LSE paper pinpoints one Brexit effect — the barriers imposed directly by the TCA.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: The EU in 2024
18 December 2024
Six of our researchers reflect on the past year and look ahead to 2025.
Europe's conundrum: how to fund defence spending
18 December 2024
"We have a problem that some member-states are more constrained fiscally, and some member-states are further away from the military threats, so have much less incentive to pull their weight," said Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform. "Solving it with common borrowing allows you to provide common security for all."
Cercul de foc din jurul Europei. De ce nu a reușit UE să aducă liniștea în vecini după 20 de ani de eforturi
18 December 2024
„Ideea care a stat la baza politicii europene de vecinătate, aceea că UE dorea să fie înconjurată de un cerc de prieteni, s-a dovedit a fi exagerat de optimistă. Am ajuns să fim înconjurați mai degrabă de un cerc de foc. Avem conflicte peste tot în jur”, declară pentru Panorama, Ian Bond, directorul adjunct al Centrului pentru Reformă Europeană (CER).
John Springford : « Malgré le chaos politique dans l’Hexagone, le Royaume-Uni a des leçons à tirer de la France »
18 December 2024
John Springford est chercheur au Centre for European Reform. Il se spécialise sur la Grande-Bretagne et l’Europe, autour de questions liées au Brexit, aux migrations et aux marchés du travail ainsi qu’au commerce international. Il a été conseiller spécialisé auprès de la commission du Trésor de la Chambre des Communes au parlement britannique. Dans son rapport 'French lessons for Britain’s economy', il illustre les différentes approches économiques des deux pays.
Nordic-Baltic security coalition meets amid heightened European security concerns
16 December 2024
The Moscow Times
Among the ideas being discussed is expanding the JEF to include Poland and Ukraine, which could provide a “deterrent presence in Ukraine through frequent exercises and the provision of air support,” according to a recent article by Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform.