Keir Starmer’s Brexit reboot
17 July 2024
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said Starmer must be “modest” and recognize that “Britain has a poor reputation” in Europe.
“They know that you are not Boris Johnson,” he wrote, in an open letter to the new PM. “But you represent a country that, as far as they are concerned, behaved appallingly during the long years of the Brexit negotiations.”
“They know that you are not Boris Johnson,” he wrote, in an open letter to the new PM. “But you represent a country that, as far as they are concerned, behaved appallingly during the long years of the Brexit negotiations.”
Tett på Trump: - Dårlige nyheter
17 July 2024
Ian Bond mener dersom Trump kommer til makta i USA, vil hans relasjon til Orban være svært negativ for EU. Orban vil være i stand til å hindre EUs enighet i å reagere hvis Trump handler på måter som skader EUs utenrikspolitiske interesser, sier Bond.
FUTURE IS BLUE PODCAST: Europe's post-election economic landscape: key issues and strategic directions
16 July 2024
In this episode of "Future is Blue," host Carlos Urabayen discusses the post-election economic outlook for Europe with Sander Tordoir, Chief Economist at the Centre for European Reform, and Raymond Torres, Director of Funcas Europe. They explore the challenges and opportunities for the new European Commission, focusing on climate transition,...
Radicals v incrementalists: Labour’s new dividing line over Europe
14 July 2024
The Sunday Times
One advantage of a security deal would be that it would provide a permanent forum where the UK can interact with the EU on foreign policy. “We’d be able to take part in structured chit-chat on a regular basis,” said Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform.
Starmer to host EU leaders’ summit delayed by Sunak
13 July 2024
Financial Times
“It’s a wonderful opportunity for Keir Starmer,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a UK think-tank. “He’ll have a lot of European leaders in a room. The timing could not have been more fortuitous.” British officials say Starmer will use the Blenheim Palace event to set out his hopes for improved UK-EU relations, even if, as Grant notes, there is a “slight niggling worry that he doesn’t know what he wants to do”.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: What's happening in France and what it means for Europe
12 July 2024
Charles Grant and Sophie Pedder discuss the French elections.
FT podcast - Rachman Review: Britain's role in a changing Europe
11 July 2024
Charles Grant, director of the London-based Centre for European Reform think-tank joins Gideon Rachman on his podcast to discuss how easy will it be for Keir Starmer, Britain’s new prime minister, to reset relations with the EU, and what impact will political disarray in France have on leadership within the bloc?
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: What the Labour landslide means for UK-EU relations
10 July 2024
Charles Grant and Neil Kinnock discuss the UK election results.
Commentary: Labour faces low bar in re-attracting foreign funds
10 July 2024
"A period of calm, predictable and constructive diplomacy would do wonders for the UK's reputation," wrote Charles Grant at the Centre for European Reform in an open letter to Starmer on ways to re-engage with the EU on a host of different levels.
Starmer’s Labour not ‘hung up’ on UK sovereignty, Europeans believe
10 July 2024
“The EU has always wanted close post-Brexit security co-operation with the British,” Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, told iNews. “In these uncertain times, the more that Britain can contribute to European security, the more goodwill that creates among former EU partners.”
What does Labour’s win mean for British foreign policy?
09 July 2024
The Economist
The problems will come over issues such as supply chains and energy, which risk brushing up against the single market, says Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank.
EU’s demand for more under-30s migration would be ‘very like free movement’
08 July 2024
Charles Grant, director of the respected Centre for European Reform, suggested that the Prime Minister may nevertheless have to negotiate on youth mobility to achieve his aim to make trade easier, including by signing a veterinary agreement on food imports and exports.Grant said some in the EU would respond to Starmer’s demands on trade by saying there can be “no cherry picking” of its single market.
Reino Unido-UE: hacia un alineamiento
06 July 2024
La Razon
El próximo gobierno británico necesita una estrategia coherente hacia la UE, que abarque desde el comercio y la regulación hasta la energía, la política exterior y la defensa.
LSM.LV: Kas kopīgs Sunakam un Makronam, un kā labējā Trampa–Orbāna ass var apdraudēt ES? Intervij ar Londonas Eiropas Reformu centra direktoru
06 July 2024
Šonedēļ Eiropas politiskajā kalendārā ir divas parlamenta vēlēšanas – Francijā un Lielbritānijā. Lielbritānijā smagu zaudējumu jau piedzīvojusi 14 gadus pie varas esošā konservatīvo partija, kuras vadītājs un nu jau bijušais premjers Riši Sunaks šīs priekšlaicīgās vēlēšanas izsludināja.
Voice of America: Внеочередные выборы в британский парламент
05 July 2024
В Великобритании – досрочные выборы в парламент, грозящие полной сменой правительства. Каких последствий ждут эксперты для внутренней и внешней политики Лондона? Charles Grant, director, CER speaks to Voice of America (from 7.27mins).
How Labour can fix the UK’s tech industry
05 July 2024
If Labour dropped the immigration health surcharge—a levy of around £1,000 ($1,276) annually for workers—it would make it much more attractive for skilled people to come to the UK, says Zach Meyers, assistant director for the Centre for European Reform. “The immigration surcharge is kind of insane, because it’s basically like a tax on their migrants. And that is a single step that would, I think, go a long way to addressing the skills problem.”
Labour may find a trade deal with Trump easier than getting anything from the EU
05 July 2024
The Telegraph
“Germany is desperately looking for friends. The National Rally is a Germanophobic party, and [Jean-Luc] Mélenchon on the Left has a history of anti-German outbursts,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform.“But if you go behind the door of the EU and try to do bilateral deals, it always backfires. The Commission is too powerful to ignore,” he said.
Debakl: Konzervativci ve volbách utrpěli nejhorší porážku v historii. Vrátí se Británie do EU?
05 July 2024
Hospodářské Noviny
Během vlády labouristů tak nejspíš nastane určité sblížení, například podpis veterinární dohody, která by usnadnila vývoz a dovoz potravin na britské ostrovy. „Dá se čekat určitý pokrok, ale nikoliv zásadní změna ve vzájemném vztahu,“ shrnul to Aslak Berg z think-tanku Centre for European Reform.
UK election analysis: A fragile landslide
05 July 2024
“It is a shocking result, and I can't recall anything so similar in British history that one party does so well in terms of seats having not won very many votes,” Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, told Euronews.
Labour's majority is built on very shallow foundations as a result, according to Grant and “can easily be washed away by the next storm that hits the UK”.
Labour's majority is built on very shallow foundations as a result, according to Grant and “can easily be washed away by the next storm that hits the UK”.
Avec Starmer, la promesse d’un Royaume-Uni constructif
03 July 2024
Kessel - Blocs
Un point de vue partagé par Zach Meyers, du Centre for European Reform : « Parvenir à une intégration économique bien plus poussée sera en tout cas difficile, compte tenu des lignes rouges du parti travailliste - pas de marché unique, pas d’union douanière et pas de liberté de circulation », estime ce chercheur britannique.