
EU to demand technology transfers from Chinese companies

19 November 2024
Financial Times
Elisabetta Cornago, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said that the Commission was “trying to find plenty of ideas” to shore up its trade defences “against a possible flood or redirection of Chinese trade flows towards Europe”.

EU targets Chinese firms with new trade rules for clean technology

19 November 2024
EU Today
Elisabetta Cornago, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, stated that the EU is actively seeking solutions to enhance trade defences, anticipating a possible increase in redirected Chinese exports. However, she also cautioned that stricter restrictions on Chinese technology imports could potentially disrupt the EU’s transition to greener technologies. By enforcing stringent trade measures in the name of innovation support, the EU risks raising prices, which may slow down consumer adoption of electric vehicles and other clean technologies.

The seven ways Europe could step up to help Zelensky

18 November 2024
“The first thing to say is that Europe needs to deliver more to Ukraine,” says Ian Bond, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform. Ukraine has so far relied heavily on European-supplied weapons, such as German Leopard tanks. “Europeans just have to step up. There is still a lot of military material sitting in European warehouses and stockpiles being held back for a rainy day. Spain, for example, is still holding on to most of its Patriot systems. Are they expecting an attack from Portugal?”

Mercosur : la tentation européenne, les réticences françaises

17 November 2024
«Le Mercosur est un vaste marché de 300 millions de personnes avec un fort potentiel de croissance, et qui a toujours été protégé de hautes barrières douanières. C’est l’un des derniers accords de ce type susceptible d’avoir un effet significatif sur la croissance européenne», résume Aslak Berg, expert de politique commerciale au Centre for European Reform. Le coup de pouce pour le PIB de l’Union est estimé entre 0,1% et 0,3%.

« Ras le bol de l’attitude de Paris » : sur l’accord UE-Mercosur, l’opposition de la France exaspère ses voisins

17 November 2024
Le Parisien
La France bénéficiera-t-elle alors d’un droit de veto ? Sur le papier, non. La pratique établie voulait certes jusqu’ici qu’on n’outrepasse pas l’opposition d’un grand pays, tel que l’Hexagone, mais les plus fervents soutiens du texte, dont la Commission, Berlin et Madrid, estiment que Paris ne leur laisse pas le choix « Même la France, aussi importante soit-elle, ne peut pas toujours s’attendre à avoir gain de cause », juge Aslak Berg, expert de politique commerciale du Centre for European Reform.

Second Trump reign could make life ‘a lot harder’ for EU’s far-right leaders

17 November 2024
The Guardian
Certainly, there may be some political upside to basking in reflected Trumpian glory. “The coming Trump presidency will most probably embolden Europe’s far right and illiberal actors,” concluded experts at the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

Alemania está ‘kaputt’: por qué el modelo económico ya no funciona en el orgulloso país de los coches

16 November 2024
El Pais
Tras conocerse la ruptura de los socios y el adelanto electoral en Alemania, Sander Tordoir asegura que la crisis añade incertidumbre “a una economía que ya está envuelta en el miedo”, con los hogares y las empresas en modo ahorro tras varios años de estancamiento.

Europe comes to terms with Donald Trump's victory

16 November 2024
International Policy Digest
Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, reflected on the potential trajectory of US-European relations under Trump’s second term. “In Trump’s first term he had a number of ‘traditional’ Republicans in key positions around him, able to steer his foreign policy at least to some extent. It seems likely that in his second term there will be fewer restraints on him. Given his stated views on NATO and the EU, that poses serious risks for Europe’s security and prosperity.”

Trump's return springs a critical choice on Europe

16 November 2024
Financial Times
The US has so far provided some $60bn in weaponry and ammunition since February 2022 and the Europeans a similar amount (although more in financial aid). The Europeans can surely afford to do more. If they don’t have the budgetary space, they should think of other ways of raising the money, such as common EU debt or loans to national capitals from the European Stability Mechanism, the eurozone’s rescue fund. (See this Centre for European Reform analysis of the options.)

Det smukkeste ord i ordbogen

15 November 2024
»Det værste scenario, men også et sandsynligt scenario, er, at Trump vil prøve at tvinge de europæiske lande til at vælge side mellem USA og Kina. Det sætter os virkelig i en slem kattepine, for de europæiske lande handler meget med begge parter, « siger Zach Meyers fra Centre for European Reform.
Speech by Piero Cipollone at the conference on 'A European path to higher economic growth'

Speech by Piero Cipollone at the conference on 'A European path to higher economic growth'

Piero Cipollone
15 November 2024
European Central Bank
Contribution by Piero Cipollone, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, to the Centre for European Reform’s annual economics conference on 'A European path to higher economic growth'

Euroopan piti herätä uhkaan – mutta näin kävi

14 November 2024
USA presidentinvaalin turvavaikutuksiin on CER raportin mukaan varauduttu luvattoman huonosti.Yhdysvaltain presidentiksi uudelleen nousevan Donald Trumpin kielteinen suhtautuminen Natoon on tunnettu tosiasia. Trump ei Centre for European Reform -ajatushautomon (CER) tuoreen raportin mukaan näe Natoa niinkään Yhdysvaltojen asemaa vahvistavana koalitiona, vaan pikemminkin instituutiona, jota liittolaiset käyttävät hyödyntääkseen USA:n suomia turvatakuita ja voidakseen samalla tinkiä omista puolustuspanostuksistaan.

Mandelson’s plan to charm Trump as UK’s ambassador – and why Brexit could wreck it

14 November 2024
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said: “[Mandelson] would be very good, he understands trade. The Blairites when they were running the country managed to be pro-EU and Atlanticist at the same time – it was the hallmark of Jonathan Powell, Peter Mandelson, David Miliband and Tony Blair.“It is going to be more difficult to do that now than it was when Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr were in power. The danger for Labour is that Trump quite likes Britain but less so the EU.

Draghi and Letta’s proposals to reform competition policy: A step backwards for European innovation

14 November 2024
Two former Italian prime ministers, Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi, have recently published reports painting a dire picture of the EU’s economic prospects. Europe’s workforce is aging faster than the US’s.

Talk, deal, strengthen: How the EU plans to manage Donald Trump's comeback

13 November 2024
Dr Luigi Scazzieri, a senior researcher at the Centre for European Reform (CER), believes EU leaders are trying to "project unity and avoid a descent into a scramble." But that unity, he cautioned, could fall apart if the common strategy to cope with Trump ends in failure and capitals seek tailor-made deals, undermining Brussels along the way.

Und wenn die Wirtschaft unter Trump doch boomt?

13 November 2024
Die Zeit
Hinzu kommt, dass die aggressive Industriepolitik von Joe Biden zu einer Ausweitung der Fertigungskapazität in den Vereinigten Staaten geführt hat, von der Trump in den kommenden Jahren profitieren dürfte, wie das Centre for European Reform argumentiert. 
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: What does Trump mean for European security?

CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: What does Trump mean for European security?

Ian Bond, Luigi Scazzieri, Sophia Besch
12 November 2024
Luigi Scazzieri, Ian Bond and Sophia Besch discuss the impact of Trump on European security.
EU's rule of law crisis shows no signs of abating

EU's rule of law crisis shows no signs of abating

12 November 2024
European Democracy Hub
While the European Parliament has been holding confirmation hearings for the incoming European Commission the EU’s rule-of-law crisis shows no signs of abating.
Is the EU taking the right approach to APP fraud?

Is the EU taking the right approach to APP fraud?

12 November 2024
CCIA Europe
The EU law-making institutions are currently discussing updates to the EU’s current payment laws. One of the issues they want to tackle is the growing number of payment scams in Europe.

Trump rallenterà le politiche globali contro il cambiamento climatico

11 November 2024
Il Post
«Ottenere una finanza climatica più ambiziosa sarà praticamente impossibile senza il sostegno statunitense e questo demotiverà i paesi in via di sviluppo a prendere seriamente le promesse dell’Occidente», ha commentato Elisabetta Cornago del Centre for European Reform.