
Europe could be a casualty under Donald Trump’s promised American ‘golden age’

22 January 2025
Fortune Magazine
“In his first term, Trump was obsessed with the U.S. trade deficit with the EU. In his view, this is no different (other than being smaller) to the US concerns about its trade deficit with China,” Zach Meyers, assistant director of the Centre for European Reform, told Fortune. 

Het is te vroeg om de Verenigde Staten af te schrijven

22 January 2025
de Volkskrant
Europa moet zelf beschermingswallen tegen China opwerpen. Dat kan het doen door net als de VS importheffingen in te stellen en ‘koop Europees’-clausules in nationale subsidieregelingen op te nemen, zoals Sander Tordoir en Brad Setser voorstellen in hun recente paper over de tweede China-schok.
Can EU defence bonds strengthen Europe’s defences?

Can EU defence bonds strengthen Europe’s defences?

21 January 2025
Europeans urgently need to strengthen their militaries. However, funding European defence is a major challenge.

Best of 'frenemies': Trump's relationship with Europe this time may be very different

21 January 2025
BBC News
Ian Bond, the deputy director for the Centre for European Reform, believes the country [Germany] will remain "top of Trump's (European) hit list."

Autos nur der Start: Wie die deutsche Industrie durch China gefährdet wird und welche Lösungen es gibt

20 January 2025
Frankfurter Rundschau
Deutschland hat durch die stark steigenden Industrieexporte Chinas weltweit am meisten zu verlieren. Zu diesem Schluss kommt eine neue Studie der britischen proeuropäischen Denkfabrik Centre for European Reform. Darin werden vor allem zwei Herausforderungen genannt, die aus Sicht Deutschlands ein Umdenken erfordern: Zum einen die Wettbewerbsstärke Chinas in Industriezweigen, in denen die heimische Wirtschaft bislang führend war, wie der Autoindustrie.

Britain's foreign secretary braces for the second Trump age

20 January 2025
The New Yorker
“There’s definitely a lot of disappointment in how the Labour government has approached the EU and Brussels,” Luigi Scazzieri, of the Centre for European Reform, told me. “Essentially, there’s little to discuss with the EU until the UK internally sorts out what it wants as a package, and that’s not happened yet,” Scazzieri said.

Why are European troops for Ukraine a nonstarter?

20 January 2025
Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty
“I think there is absolutely no indication that at the moment Putin is interested in negotiations at all,” said Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank. “You know, Putin thinks he's winning.”

The European leaders courting Trump's favour

18 January 2025
Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty
“Starmer and the Labour Party have been trying to build links to Trump world and now to the Trump administration in waiting,” said Ian Bond of the Centre for European Reform.

China crisis looms as Europe’s gravy train stalls: ‘Nobody is making money’

18 January 2025
South China Morning Post
Trump has threatened to impose high tariffs on Chinese goods, with many predicting that a large portion will be diverted to Europe, which remains relatively open to many Chinese goods.All of this comes ahead of a German federal election in February, which is “haunted by the spectre of deindustrialisation”, wrote analysts in a joint paper from the Centre for European Reform, and the Council on ForeignRelations this week.

Perché l’impronta di carbonio della Svizzera è più grande di quanto si pensi

17 January 2025
Swiss Info
Una tassa sul CO2 sui prodotti importati, come quella introdotta dall’Unione Europea nel 2023, può incoraggiare dei consumi con un’impronta di carbonio più bassa, ritiene Elisabetta CornagoCollegamento esterno, ricercatrice del think tank britannico Centre for European Reform.

Europe Express: Eastern regrets

16 January 2025
Financial Times
A report released today concludes the two are connected, as China is increasingly replacing German imports with goods produced by its own automotive, clean technology and aviation industries, which are also taking over other markets in South America and Asia.  “China’s pivot to aggressive export-led growth is undercutting German manufacturing,” says Sander Tordoir of the Centre for European Reform, who co-authored the report with Brad Setser of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Deutschland gerät durch Chinas Export-Strategie immer stärker unter Druck

16 January 2025
Deutschland hat durch die stark steigenden Industrieexporte Chinas weltweit am meisten zu verlieren. Zu diesem Schluss kommt eine neue Studie der britischen proeuropäischen Denkfabrik Centre for European Reform, die dem Handelsblatt vorliegt.

Britain picks former New Labour spin doctor as EU negotiator

13 January 2025
Charles Grant, the director of the influential Centre for European Reform think-tank added that the appointment [of Michael Ellam] “should go down well in Brussels."

Den ukjente militæralliansen skal handle mens NATO tenker

11 January 2025
Harstad Tidende
«Om ikke noen allerede hadde funnet på JEF, ville det være helt nødvendig å gjøre det nå» Dette skrev Ian Bond i den innflytelsesrike tankesmien Centre for European Reform i London i desember. Han er svært glad for JEF er særlig oppmerksom på Russlands hybride krigføring mot europeiske energi- og kommunikasjonskabler på havbunnen.

Indian steel exports could suffer as the EU enforces carbon border rules

09 January 2025
Eco Business
 A study, published by the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-tank, on December 3, highlights that many countries may require additional support from the EU to upgrade their heavy industries for a net-zero future.

The politics of anger born of economic discontent... The world enters a 'populist cycle'

06 January 2025
Zach Meyers, assistant director of the Centre for European Reform, one of Europe's leading think-tanks, said, "populism is the result of economic insecurity. Europe, including the UK, has been struggling with long-term low growth." 

De Duitse economie krimpt, fabrieken sluiten. Het Duitse ‘zelfbeeld’ is niet houdbaar, zegt econoom Tordoir

03 January 2025
NRC Handelsblad
Duitsland blijkt opeens de oude man van Europa. De digitalisering blijft achter, de infrastructuur is verouderd en China ondermijnt de Duitse industriële basis. „Dit is een existentiële bedreiging.”
If the “Brussels effect” fades in tech markets, the EU will only have itself to blame

If the “Brussels effect” fades in tech markets, the EU will only have itself to blame

03 January 2025
Competition Policy International
The EU’s ability to project its regulatory standards across the globe is under pressure. Policy-makers within the EU fret that over-regulation, especially in tech, is contributing to the bloc’s slow economic growth.

The Telegraph is wrong (again) about Brexit damage

03 January 2025
The New European
Jessop then takes aim at the work of several people including John Springford of the Centre for European Reform, who created a “doppelganger” of a UK economy to which Brexit never happened. This ‘shadow economy’, built through sophisticated modelling, reacts just as the UK has done in the past so we can see how the UK has performed in comparison with the model since Brexit. Springford’s model assesses the hit of Brexit as being 5%. 

No, Brexit is not costing Britain £100bn a year

02 January 2025
The Telegraph
The best work here has been done by John Springford at the Centre for European Reform. At face value, his doppelganger models suggest that Brexit has shrunk the UK economy by at least 5pc, which would be well over £100bn a year.
