Radio 4 - Last Word: Jacques Delors
31 December 2023
Charles Grant spoke with Kirsty Lang on Jacques Delors, the politician and architect of the modern EU (from 0:45).
Ukraine er hårdt presset, Trump kan vende tilbage, og Europa mangler en plan: »Vores strategi er håb«
30 December 2023
»Den træning, vi tilbyder ukrainerne, lever slet ikke op vores egne standarder. Vi træner dem i fem-seks måneder, og i nogle tilfælde væsentligt kortere tid. Hvis det var vores egne soldater, ville vi træne dem i mindst et år, før vi sendte dem ud i den type krig, der bliver udkæmpet lige nu,« siger Ian Bond.
Polskie Radio 24: Historyczny rok w relacjach UE z Ukrainą. Jest zielone światło dla negocjacji członkowskich
30 December 2023
Z punktu widzenia psychologicznego to było ważne. Brak pozytywnej decyzji byłby sygnałem dla Putina, że Zachód nie zgadza się, by Ukraina była jego częścią. To byłby też krok w tył ze strony Unii - podkreślił w rozmowie z Polskim Radiem Ian Bond z londyńskiego Centre for European Reform.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine: Fighting intensifies in 2023 war of attrition
29 December 2023
Voice of America
By June, Ukraine was able to recapture some territory but failed to break through the Russian lines. The Western weapon supplies were too little, too late, says analyst Ian Bond."The delays in supplying this equipment meant that the Russians had a long time to build up their minefields and their fixed fortifications, so they're actually in a much stronger position than they were. And we've been asking the Ukrainians to launch their counteroffensive when they have very little air capability," Bond told VOA, adding that Ukraine had made remarkable progress in countering Russia's navy.
Cómo reducir al mínimo las reacciones contra las políticas verdes
28 December 2023
No es inevitable que haya una reacción violenta contra las políticas verdes de la UE. Los responsables políticos deben dedicarse a diseñar unas políticas que hagan asequible la descarbonización y destaquen sus beneficios sociales.
Merci, Monsieur Euro
27 December 2023
Süddeutsche Zeitung
"Delors hat Geschichte geschrieben", glaubt Charles Grant, damals Korrespondent des Economist und heute Direktor des britischen Think-Tanks Centre for European Reform, "er mobilisierte die proeuropäischen Kräfte - und lenkte sie geschickt in Richtung seiner Ziele."
CER review of 2023: What's next for Europe?
20 December 2023
Eight of our researchers reflect on the past year and look ahead to 2024.
Future is Blue: EuroInsights: Economic lessons in 2023
20 December 2023
Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, together with Raymond Torres, Funcas Europe Director in conversation with Carlos Carnicero Urabayen, Future is Blue host analyse what are the key lessons learned for the EU economy in 2023.
Bij het IMF begint nu een geopolitiek gevecht: blijft het een door het Westen gedomineerde club?
19 December 2023
NRC Handelsblad
De discussie over de stemverhoudingen „kán bijna niet geopolitieker”, zegt Sander Tordoir, onderzoeker bij denktank Centre for European Reform. „De grote vraag wordt: zijn het Westen en zijn bondgenoten, zoals Japan en Zuid-Korea, bereid terrein op te geven?”
Yearender: Europe grappling for united Gaza ceasefire call
18 December 2023
Rifts within the EU challenge the bloc's cohesion as members, such as Italy, re-imposed border controls, leading to "an erosion of the Schengen border-free area," Luigi Scazzieri, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, commented.
Europe may be headed for ‘big public clash with Musk’, say experts
18 December 2023
“This will be an important test case: X/Twitter seems, given its lack of content moderators, not to be taking its obligations seriously,” said Zach Meyers, the assistant director of the Centre for European Reform.He said the law requires platforms to put measures in place to minimise risks associated with disinformation, but not force disinformation to be removed, because this raises questions about freedom of speech.
Calviño busca cerrar un pacto sobre las reglas fiscales en la UE que suavice los futuros ajustes en los presupuestos
18 December 2023
Sander Tordoir, Jasper van Dijk y Vinzenz Ziesemer, un trío de investigadores del Centre for European Reform (CER), apuestan por una reconstrucción de las reglas fiscales con nuevas fijaciones de gasto y deuda y parámetros más discrecionales, aunque ajustados al principio de equilibrio presupuestario como ancla esencial para corregir los niveles de endeudamiento.
How Hungary undermined Europe's bid to aid Ukraine
17 December 2023
The New York Times
“The fear is that he actually wants to create chaos and disorder and destroy the EU from within,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a research group in London. “He used to be more transactional, but people I talk to in Brussels say he has become more unreasonable, more truculent, more self-confident and more destructive.”
ivoox: The Eastern Front - What is going on with EU accession talks and Ukraine funding
16 December 2023
This week, the EU voted on being the Ukrainian accession process. On this episode of The Eastern Front, Giselle, Dalibor, and Iulia welcome Ian Bond, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform to discuss the likely outcomes of accession talks. How will Hungary complicate matters? What role does the...
Volodymyr Zelenskyy's bitter week of disappointment
15 December 2023
Financial Times
“The veto on the €50bn tells you less about faltering western resolve than it does about Viktor Orbán,” said Ian Bond, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform, in reference to the Hungarian premier. “Ukraine will get the [EU] money in the end. But there is a real problem in the US.”
Europe’s true beliefs on Ukraine are put to the test
14 December 2023
The decision to open the door to the EU is no less important as spiritual sustenance, said Ian Bond of the Centre for European Reform. “The signal that you send by starting talks is that you are now on a train which is going towards a destination. If the Hungarians bar the door of the carriage and say you are not getting in, this is psychologically a blow to the Ukrainians.”
AI presents a ‘Brexit opportunity’ for Britain but there are risks
14 December 2023
Financial Times
For Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, the findings show that Euroscepticism is “alive and kicking” in France and Italy. And that can also be seen in the dominance of eurosceptic parties in the Italian government and the fact that Marine Le Pen is favourite to win the next French presidential election.
EU enlargement is not a foregone conclusion
14 December 2023
Financial Times
It will be a slow process and European leaders will have their work cut out persuading voters of the merits.
Judy Asks: Is Europe still committed to Ukraine?
14 December 2023
Carnegie Europe
After Russia attacked Ukraine in February 2022, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen proclaimed Ukraine “one of us.”
EU to decide on Ukraine membership talks, as Hungary threatens veto
13 December 2023
Voice of America
A failure by the EU to start accession talks with Ukraine would have wider consequences, according to Ian Bond at the Centre for European Reform.