What should Britain’s future relationship with the European Union look like?
07 February 2025
Britain's World
Sir Keir says that the UK is not ‘choosing between the United States (US) and the EU’, but the threats by Donald Trump, President of the US, to use tariffs and military might against friendly countries shows the risks of being too dependent on America.
EU plots strategy for dealing with Donald Trump's tariffs blitz
07 February 2025
The Times
Allied economies could include Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia and the UK in a “G6 plus” model, says Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform.
Taking the Pulse: Has political deadlock in member-states become a strategic problem for the EU?
06 February 2025
Carnegie Endowment
Domestic political disagreements do not always lead to foreign policy paralysis: To defeat Nazi Germany, Winston Churchill and Clement Atlee bridged profound ideological differences, remaining in UK’s coalition government from 1940 to 1945.
Foreign strongmen cheer as Musk dismantles US aid agency
05 February 2025
The New York Times
Zselyke Csaky, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, calculated that the United States spends about $2 billion a year on direct democracy promotion programs, including both direct State Department funds and US AID grants. Europe, she said, spends about $4 billion, and would need to spend about 50 percent more to make up the difference.
Transatlantic turbulence: How Trump’s second term reshapes US-Europe diplomacy
05 February 2025
The Geopolitics
The former Chancellor Merkel thought Trump held a special resentment toward Germany while Ian Bond from the Centre for European Reform predicted Germany would stay on Trump’s “top of hit list” permanently.
Ryzyko wielkiej wojny handlowej nie zniknęło, ale nieco się oddaliło
05 February 2025
To nie byłby wiatr przeciwny dla niemieckich producentów samochodów. To byłaby burza o pełnej skali. Niemcy, jako centrum przemysłowe, są teraz wciśnięte pomiędzy USA a Chiny i jest im bardzo ciężko – ocenia Sander Tordoir, główny ekonomista think tanku Centre for European Reform.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: How can Europe survive Trump's tariffs and a second China shock?
05 February 2025
Sander Tordoir and Zselyke Csaky discuss Trump's tariffs and the second China shock.
Trump’s tariffs threaten to crush Germany’s struggling car industry
03 February 2025
The Telegraph
“This isn’t a headwind for German carmaking, it’s a full-on storm,” says Sander Tordoir, the chief economist at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. ...“Germany, as a manufacturing hub, is being squeezed between China and the US,” Tordoir says. “It’s very tough for them.”
Europe races to confront America’s trade war
03 February 2025
The Economist
“We have seen that Mr Trump is keen on making deals, and less bothered by them not working,” says Sander Tordoir of the Centre for European Reform, another think-tank.
The Spectator podcast: Trump vs Europe
03 February 2025
Katy Balls speaks to Kate Andrews and Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. Trump’s tariff spree continues… After making good on his election promise to opt for another round of tariffs – a 25 per cent tax on imports from Canada and Mexico and a 10 per cent levy on Chinese goods – Trump has now turned his attention to Europe.
Kommission führt neues Koodinierungsinstrument ein
02 February 2025
Table Europe
„Die EU sollte keine neuen, vagen Koordinierungsinstrumente einführen, das stellt den Prozess über echte Entscheidungen“, sagte der Chefökonom des Centre for European Reform, Sander Tordoir. Stattdessen müsse sich die EU darauf einigen, welche Sektoren sie retten wolle und dann die vielen Instrumente, die sie habe, gezielt einsetzen.
Europe’s perfect storm
02 February 2025
Financial Times
Production in Germany has been in decline for five years, as noted in a new report by Sander Tordoir, the chief economist of the Centre for European Reform, and American economist Brad Setser. ...It might, as Setzer and Tordoir advise, back IMF scrutiny of countries with persistent and overly large trade surpluses.
Angst voor Poetin voedt het defensiedebat: komt er een Europees miljardenfonds voor de wapenwedloop met Rusland?
02 February 2025
NRC Handelsblad
„Zelfs als je de financiële kant van het probleem oplost, houd je nog altijd een enorme discussie over”, zegt Luigi Scazzieri, defensie-expert bij de denktank Centre for European Reform. „Namelijk: waar geven we het geld aan uit en hoe zorgen we dat iedereen mee profiteert?”
Starmer’s impossible choice: Trump’s America or reset with Europe
01 February 2025
The Telegraph
For what it is worth, analysis by the Centre for European Reform suggests that the UK economy is around 5.5pc smaller as a result of Brexit than it otherwise would have been.
El ciclo económico de Europa ensombrece el camino para competir con China y Estados Unidos
01 February 2025
El Diario
“En Europa, el clima económico es sombrío, con un PIB que crece a un ritmo mediocre y mucho más lento que en EEUU y en Asia y que, en consecuencia, ejerce de lastre de ingresos personales y de retraimiento del poder adquisitivo de los europeos”. La cita encabeza un informe del Centre for European Reform (CER), think tank británico que emergió de la Tercera Vía del laborismo de Tony Blair, en los noventa, y que siempre se ha jactado de tener una visión paneuropea; incluso durante el último decenio de Brexit.
Quote du jour
31 January 2025
“If there’s no demand for our industry, nothing will happen.” Sander Tordoir, chief economist of think-tank the Centre for European Reform, speaking at the Brux Conference in Brussels on Thursday.
Why the Brexit debate will never die
31 January 2025
The New Statesman
So far the most convincing model for the overall cost to the economy has probably been that of the economist John Springford, who used a “weighted basket” of other countries to model how a counterfactual, remain-voting UK would have performed after 2016.
Europa als Halde für China-Produkte? Was wirklich eintritt, wenn Trump Zölle verkündet
31 January 2025
Die Welt
Chinas Auto-Subventionen stellen offenbar eine besondere Gefahr dar – vor allem für Deutschland. „Deutsche Unternehmen werden Schwierigkeiten haben, mit staatlich unterstützten chinesischen Firmen zu konkurrieren“, sagt CER-Ökonom Sander Tordoir. „Und wenn den deutschen Herstellern die Gewinne zur Finanzierung neuer Investitionen fehlen, drohen sie technologisch zurückzufallen.“
Protecting consumers is not anti-growth
30 January 2025
"The question is whether the way authorities look at competition should change depending on whether you're looking at old or new industries,” says Zach Meyers of the Centre for European Reform. “When thinking about a typical monopolist, you think about them sitting back, having the quiet life and overcharging consumers. But when you're thinking about how tech works, competition doesn't really work like that — they're competing on investment and innovation.”
This Is Not A Drill podcast with Gavin Esler: Deep Waters - Russia’s undersea information war
30 January 2025
In the latest episode of This Is Not A Drill, Gavin Esler discusses the threat to European infrastructure from undersea sabotage with Sophia Besch, a senior fellow in the Europe Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. And to assess the wider threat from potential hybrid warfare operations we hear from Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform.