Webinar on 'The meaning of 'global Britain': The Integrated Review 2021' with Peter Ricketts and Kori Schake

Webinar on 'The meaning of 'global Britain': The Integrated Review 2021'

24 March 2021
With Peter Ricketts and Kori Schake. Watch the video of the event here.
CER/Kreab webinar on 'Financing the transition to net zero' with Werner Hoyer, President, European Investment Bank

CER/Kreab webinar on 'Financing the transition to net zero'

15 March 2021
With Werner Hoyer, President, European Investment Bank
Webinar on 'Charting a path towards CPTPP: The UK's trade objectives for 2021 and beyond' with Greg Hands, Minister of State for Trade Policy, UK

Webinar on 'Charting a path towards CPTPP: The UK's trade objectives for 2021 and beyond'

09 March 2021
With Greg Hands, Minister of State for Trade Policy, UK. Watch the opening remarks here.
Webinar on 'The EU in 2030' with Clément Beaune, Minister of State for European Affairs, France

Webinar on 'The EU in 2030'

05 March 2021
With Clément Beaune, Minister of State for European Affairs, France. Watch the opening remarks here.
CER/Kreab webinar on 'The role of Europe's energy sector in bouncing back from COVID-19 and delivering the European Green Deal' with Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy

CER/Kreab webinar on 'The role of Europe's energy sector in bouncing back from COVID-19 and delivering the European Green Deal'

23 February 2021
Kadri Simson, the European Commissioner for Energy, joined us to discuss European Green deal and its interaction with the economic response to COVID-19.
CER/GMF/Kreab webinar 'Transatlantic relations, building back better' with Sigrid Kaag and Anthony Gardner

CER/GMF/Kreab webinar on 'Transatlantic relations, building back better'

09 February 2021
With Sigrid Kaag and Anthony Gardner. Watch the video of the event here.
Webinar on 'What kind of EU-UK relationship, post-Brexit?' with João Vale de Almeida, EU Ambassador to the UK

Webinar on 'What kind of EU-UK relationship, post-Brexit?'

04 February 2021
With João Vale de Almeida, EU Ambassador to the UK. Watch the Ambassador's opening remarks here.
CER/AIG webinar on 'Climate and energy in the transatlantic relationship'

CER/AIG webinar on 'Climate and energy in the transatlantic relationship'

27 January 2021
With Heather Grabbe, Cassie Powers, Carsten Rolle and Achim Schkade. Watch the video of the event here.
CER/KAS launch of 'European strategic autonomy and a new transatlantic bargain' by Sophia Besch and Luigi Scazzieri with Claudia Major

CER/KAS launch of 'European strategic autonomy and a new transatlantic bargain'

21 January 2021
With Sophia Besch, Claudia Major and Luigi Scazzieri. Watch the video of the event here.
CER/Kreab webinar on 'EU budgetary policy in the euro area during and after COVID-19' with Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup

CER/Kreab webinar on 'EU budgetary policy in the euro area during and after COVID-19'

20 January 2021
With Paschal Donohoe, Minister for Finance, Ireland, and President of the Eurogroup