Issue 6 - 1999 spotlight image

Issue 6 - 1999

A mandate for convergence

A mandate for convergence

Kitty Ussher
01 June 1999
The government is missing a trick by failing to encourage the Bank of England to play an active part in ensuring Britain's economic convergence with the euro-zone.
The prime minister has repeatedly said joining EMU requires the UK's "sustainable convergence with the economies of the single currency". This doesn't mean exchange-rate...
What next for Kosovo?

What next for Kosovo?

Michael Maclay
01 June 1999
Although the guns have yet to fall silent, there is an urgent need to sort out the rehabilitation of Kosovo. Even under the best of scenarios, this is going to be an expensive and excruciating business.
Why Europe needs a constitution

Why Europe needs a constitution

Andrew Marr
01 June 1999
Europe cannot survive as a political entity without being a working democracy. Here are three simple propositions about how it can become one. The first is that nothing which is too complicated for the ordinary voter to understand can ever be democratic.
The EU needs defence convergence criteria

The EU needs defence convergence criteria

François Heisbourg
01 June 1999
The countries of the European Union spend on defence around 60 per cent of the US defence budget (approximately $145bn versus $265bn). But Europe does not have anything close to half of US capabilities when it comes to strategic lift, strategic intelligence or command and control.
28 May 1999
Issue number 
François Heisbourg, Kitty Ussher, Michael Maclay, Andrew Marr