Dinner on 'EU competition policy, industrial strategy and the global economy'
25 April 2023
With Olivier Guersent, Director-General for Competition, European Commission

CER/AIG Geopolitical Risk Series: Webinar on 'What will Putin do next, and how should the West respond?'
16 March 2023
With Per Brodersen, Sergey Radchenko, Thilo Schroeter and Angela Stent

Hybrid discussion on 'Delivering REPowerEU: What more needs to be done?'
14 March 2023
Hybrid Brussels/Zoom
With Matthew Baldwin, Elisabetta Cornago and John Springford. Watch the video of the event here.

Hybrid discussion on 'How could the EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement be improved?'
09 March 2023
Hybrid London/Zoom
With Catherine Barnard, Stefaan De Rynck, Iain Martin and Ivan Rogers

Discussion on 'The EU institutions: One year into the war and (just over) one year away from the elections'
08 March 2023
With Klaus Welle

CER/Clifford Chance hybrid discussion on 'Industrial policy and the future of state aid'
01 March 2023
Hybrid Brussels/Zoom
With Roger Coelho, Ben Smulders and Sigrid de Vries

Hybrid discussion on 'Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine: What has the last year taught us?'
23 February 2023
Hybrid London/Zoom
With Lawrence Freedman, Timothy Garton Ash, Olesya Khromeychuk, Iuliia Osmolovska and Richard Shirreff. Watch the video of the event here.

Discussion on 'Monetary policy after the energy shock'
16 February 2023
With Fabio Panetta, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank.
Watch the video of the event here.
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