Conservative Party Conference fringe event on 'Britain and the EU: What kind of relationship do they need?'
04 October 2021
With Greg Hands, Lucy Neville-Rolfe, Juliet Samuel, Tom Tugendhat and Theresa Villiers. Watch the video of the event here.

Webinar on 'Making a success of COP26'
30 September 2021
With Peter Hill, Chief Executive Officer, 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties

Labour Party Conference fringe event on 'Britain and the EU: What kind of relationship do they need?'
28 September 2021
With Hilary Benn, Jenny Chapman and Lisa Nandy. Listen to the audio of the event here.

CER/Kreab webinar on 'Priorities for the European Union'
20 September 2021
With Philippe Léglise-Costa, Permanent Representative of France to the EU

CER/Kreab webinar on 'Can the EU become an effective global actor?'
17 September 2021
With Frédéric Bernard, Sherpa and Head of Cabinet Michel, European Council

Launch of 'How to fight corruption and uphold the rule of law'
13 July 2021
With Katalin Cseh, Carl Dolan, Camino Mortera-Martinez and Michiel van Hulten

CER/Kreab webinar on 'How does the EU lead the world on climate change?'
22 June 2021
With Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, European Commission. Watch the video of the webinar here.

PGS21: Placing politics above economics: How COVID-19 has led to a public finance paradigm shift
09 June 2021 to 11 June 2021
With Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Jason Furman and Christian Odendahl. Watch the video of the webinar here.

T20 webinar on 'After COVID-19: A most wanted recovery'
19 May 2021
With Franco Bruni, Paul De Grauwe, Maria Demertzis, Elena Flores, Christian Odendahl and André Sapir. Watch the video of the webinar here.

Webinar on 'Securing Europe's economic recovery'
18 May 2021
With Céline Gauer, Head of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force, European Commission