Roundtable on 'Britain, the EU and China: An agenda for growth' event thumbnail

Roundtable on 'Britain, the EU and China: An agenda for growth'

16 April 2013
With Liam Byrne, Rana Mitter and Linda Yueh
Dinner on 'Britain and the single market' event thumbnail

Dinner on 'Britain and the single market'

10 April 2013
With The Rt Hon Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation
CER/Kreab Gavin Anderson breakfast on 'Competition policy at a time of economic crisis event thumbnail

CER/Kreab Gavin Anderson breakfast on 'Competition policy at a time of economic crisis

19 February 2013
With Joaquín Almunia, European commissioner for competition

Roundtable on 'The future of eurozone governance, and what it means for non-euro countries’

13 February 2013
With Pierre Moscovici, French minister for economy and finance.
Breakfast on 'The competences review and Britain's future in Europe' event thumbnail

Breakfast on 'The competences review and Britain's future in Europe'

12 February 2013
With The Rt Hon David Lidington MP
Breakfast on 'What are the prospects of a transatlantic free trade area?'  event thumbnail

Breakfast on 'What are the prospects of a transatlantic free trade area?'

07 February 2013
With Martin Donnelly and Fredrik Erixon
FR-UK defence forum roundtable on 'The European dimensions of Franco-British defence co-operation' event thumbnail

FR-UK defence forum roundtable on 'The European dimensions of Franco-British defence co-operation'

17 December 2012
Speakers included: Julian Braithwaite, Philippe Errera, Nathalie Errard, Ludwig Decamps and Lieutenant General Ton Van Osch.
CER/Kreab Gavin Anderson breakfast on 'How can EU trade policy contribute to economic growth?' event thumbnail

CER/Kreab Gavin Anderson breakfast on 'How can EU trade policy contribute to economic growth?'

27 November 2012
With Marc Vanheukelen, Head of cabinet, DG Trade, European Commission