The roles & policies of other member-states

Could the euro rule supreme? It's not worth it

Simon Tilford
27 November 2007
Financial Times
In the 1970s, John Connally, President Richard Nixon's treasury secretary, famously quipped to a group of visiting Europeans that "the dollar may be our currency, but it's your problem".

Poland's position

Katinka Barysch
23 October 2007
The Guardian
The departure of one half of the Kaczynski twins is good news for Poland's economy and for EU harmony. But those hoping for radical change may be disappointed.
The mood was certainly jubilant the day after the election: "Congratulations!" "Finally!" "Let's celebrate!" were some of the comments that Poles posted on...

What impact will the EU reform treaty have?

17 October 2007
Financial Times
The European Union’s 27 member states expect to approve a ”reform treaty” in Lisbon on Friday, whose birth pangs have caused the bloc perhaps more distress than any episode in its 50-year history.
Yet European leaders regard the treaty as an essential starting point for strengthening the EU’s internal mechanisms and...

State of the Union: The good deal

25 June 2007
The Wall Street Journal
The deal in Brussels on a new treaty this weekend is good news for those who hope the EU can become a more confident and effective contributor to global security.

What future? France's Socialist party needs a rethink

07 May 2007
The Guardian
France's Socialist party needs to rethink its identity and its strategy. Having lost three presidential elections in a row, the party needs to learn from centre-left parties not only in Britain, but also in Italy, the Netherlands, the Nordic countries and Spain.

Sarkozy - the new Napoleon

23 April 2007
The Guardian
As a former activist in the French Socialist Party, it pains me to welcome the success of a right-wing populist in the first round of the presidential election. But I think that a Nicolas Sarkozy victory may be the best outcome for France and for Europe.

Britain would be unwise to thwart Europe's treaty

03 April 2007
Financial Times
Germany's ambition to salvage large parts of the European Union constitutional treaty may provoke a serious rift between Britain and its partners. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown may be heading for a collision over what to do about the German plan. But the general view in Britain seems to be...

Get with it, Europe

Simon Tilford
09 March 2007
The International Herald Tribune
It is seven years since the European Union launched its Lisbon agenda of economic reforms aimed at transforming the competitiveness of the European economy by 2010. Despite the pessimism, there has been much to cheer.

A French force

01 March 2007
Nicolas Sarkozy's call for a "rupture" with France's past makes him an exciting figure. In the last five years—during stints as chairman of the Gaullist UMP party, finance minister and interior minister—he has proved himself a hyperactive and effective politician.

Ségolène’s speech at Villepinte

Aurore Wanlin
21 February 2007
Policy Network
For some time, Ségolène Royal, the French Socialist presidential candidate, benefited from a good degree of sympathy in the UK. Her charm, her praise of Tony Blair’s policies and criticism of some French policies like the 35-hour week had gained her support in British media and political circles.