Breakfast meeting on 'The future of the regulatory and supervisory framework for financial services in the UK and the EU'
25 November 2009
With Hector Sants, chief executive, Financial Services Authority.

CER/SWP/Brookings Daimler forum on 'World order and global issues'
19 November 2009
Speakers included: Carl Bildt, Ivo Daalder, Christoph Heusgen.

CER/ECFR conference on 'Achieving energy security in Europe'
17 November 2009
Speakers included: Carl Bildt, Andris Piebalgs, Maciej Wozniak, Pierre Noel, Richard Morningstar, Hryhoriy Nemyria. With the support of the Swedish Presidency of the EU.

Breakfast on 'The future challenges for EU consumer policy'
12 November 2009
With Meglena Kuneva, European commissioner for consumer affairs

Breakfast meeting on 'Immigration policy under a conservative government'
11 November 2009
With Damian Green MP, shadow minister for immigration.

CER/EBRD debate on '20 years since the fall of the Berlin wall'
02 November 2009
Speakers included: Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Ján Čarnogurský, Timothy Garton Ash & Thomas Mirow.

Breakfast meeting on 'The new world monetary and regulatory architecture'
27 October 2009
With Professor Otmar Issing, chairman of the expert group on “The New Financial Architecture” established on behalf of the German government and former member of the ECB Executive Board & David Marsh, chairman of London & Oxford Group.

Breakfast meeting on 'Is the single market under threat?'
16 October 2009
With Jorgen Holmquist, director-general, DG Internal Market and Services, European Commission.

Breakfast meeting on competition policy
15 October 2009
With Philip Lowe, director-general, DG Competition, European Commission.