Luigi Scazzieri
Luigi Scazzieri
Assistant director
Areas of expertise
European security and defence, transatlantic relations, EU-UK relations and Italy's relationship with the EU
Rethinking the EU's approach towards its southern neighbours
10 July 2020
COVID-19 will exacerbate the failures of EU policy towards its southern neighbours. Europe needs to rethink its approach, taking on more responsibility for security and making its neighbours a more ambitious offer.
Trump's COVID-19 response is deepening the transatlantic rift
29 May 2020
Relations between Europe and the US were already in a poor condition before the coronavirus pandemic. Trump’s response will make tensions worse.
Gas heats up the eastern Mediterranean
23 April 2020
Disagreements over who gets to exploit gas in the eastern Mediterranean have raised tensions in the region, led to EU sanctions on Turkey, and made resolving the Libyan conflict more difficult. Much is now riding on Ankara’s next moves.
The EU's new Libya operation is flawed
08 April 2020
The EU’s new Libya operation follows years of criticism that the Union has not done enough to end the conflict.
Trouble for the EU is brewing in coronavirus-hit Italy
02 April 2020
The COVID-19 crisis facing Italy may be new and unprecedented, but for many Italians the European Union’s reaction has been no surprise.
Turkey and the EU: Preserving transactional co-operation
26 March 2020
Despite growing tensions with Turkey on many issues, it is in the EU’s interest to renew co-operation on migration with Ankara. The Union should also try to shift the relationship in a less confrontational direction.
The EU needs to step up its response to the COVID-19 outbreak
23 March 2020
After initially responding slowly and in a haphazard manner, the EU has taken important steps to counter the coronavirus outbreak.
The EU and US must work together to end the siege of Tripoli
30 January 2020
The conflict in Libya is spiralling out of control despite the recent Berlin conference. Europeans need to work with the US to pressure regional powers to stop fuelling fighting.
Towards a European Security Council?
27 November 2019
France and Germany have discussed forming a ‘European Security Council’ to strengthen European foreign policy and co-ordinate closely with the UK after Brexit. While it could make Europe stronger, it may also prove divisive.
One step closer to a rupture: Europe, the US and Turkey
17 October 2019
Turkey’s relations with the EU and US are in freefall after its new offensive in northern Syria. The EU should do what it can to avoid a broader rupture between Ankara and the West.