Issue 94 - 2014
Britain's populist arms race over immigration
27 January 2014
Britain's immigration debate is damaging the country's economic and political interests. It will also make it harder for David Cameron to renegotiate the terms of Britain's EU membership in a way that satisfies Tory eurosceptics.
EU-Russia relations: Partnership on ice?
27 January 2014
The EU and Russia hold too many unproductive summits. The EU should defend its interests, instead of pretending that it has a partnership with Russia.
Why Europe should broaden its horizons in the Sahel
27 January 2014
The Sahel stretches from the Atlantic to the Red Sea, touching on 13 countries from Senegal to Eritrea. Turmoil is spreading across the region, putting European security interests at risk, yet Brussels is scrambling to respond.