Launch of 'Europe's decline and fall: The struggle for global relevance'
17 November 2010
With Richard Youngs, director, FRIDE
CER/European Commisson lunch on 'Turkey and the Balkans'
15 November 2010
With Michael Leigh, director general for enlargement, European Commission.
Daimler forum on 'World order and global issues'
11 November 2010 to 12 November 2010
Speakers included: Phil Gordon, Ivo Daalder, Dennis Ross, Sir John Sawers.
CER/Interel breakfast on 'Digital innovation, growth and jobs'
10 November 2010
With Robert Madelin, director general for information, society & media, European Commission.
Dinner on 'The financial crisis: Who is to blame?'
04 November 2010
With Sir Howard Davies, director, London School of Economics & Political Science.
Roundtable launch of 'Zero-sum world'
03 November 2010
With Gideon Rachman, chief foreign affairs commentator, Financial Times & Lord Malloch-Brown, chairman, FTI Global Affairs.
Roundtable on the priorities for the forthcoming Polish presidency
21 October 2010
With Radek Sikorski, Polish foreign minister.
Roundtable on Ukraine
20 October 2010
Launch of 'Why Europe matters', a report by the Agency for Legislative Initiatives (ALI) in Ukraine
CER/Interel breakfast on 'Rebooting the single market'
13 October 2010
With Malcolm Harbour MEP
CER/EDAM Bodrum roundtable
09 October 2010 to 12 October 2010
Speakers included: Egeman Bagis, Carl Bildt, Mikolaj Dowgielewicz.