Roundtable on 'China and Europe'
14 October 2009
With Yang Jiemian, director of the Shanghai Institute of International Studies, Mei Zhaorong, director of the Institute of World Development under the State Council Development Research Centre, and former ambassador to Germany & Ma Zhengang, president of the China Institute of International Studies and former ambassador to the UK....

CER/BNE conference 'What future for the EU?'
09 October 2009
Speakers included: Giuliano Amato, Catherine Ashton, Nick Clegg MP, Heather Grabbe, Charles Grant, David Heathcoat-Amory MP, Oliver Kamm, John Kerr, Colin Marshall, Anand Menon, John Peet, Roland Rudd, Pawel Swieboda & David Willetts MP.

Conservative party fringe meeting 'Is the EU unravelling?'
06 October 2009
With Daniel Hannan MEP & Charles Grant.

Roundtable on transatlantic relations
29 September 2009
With Jim Townsend, US deputy assistant secretary of defence.

CER/BNE fringe meeting at Labour party conference 'Is the EU unravelling'
29 September 2009
With Charles Clarke MP, Geoff Hoon MP, James Purnell MP, Neil O'Brien of Policy Exchange & Roland Rudd, BNE.

Breakfast on 'Can migration reinvigorate an ageing Europe?'
23 September 2009
With Rainer Münz, member of the high level “Reflection Group Horizon 2020-2030” of the European Union (so-called EU “Group of the Wise”).

Launch of 'How to meet the EU's 2020 renewables targets'
17 September 2009
Speakers included: Stephen Tindale.

Dinner on 'NATO and transatlantic relations'
14 September 2009
With Ivo Daalder, US permanent representative to NATO.

Roundtable on ‘The EU and carbon capture and storage’
09 September 2009
With Stephen Tindale.

Breakfast on industrial policy
15 July 2009
With Heinz Zourek, director-general, DG Enterprise & Industry, European Commission.