CER/Kreab webinar on 'Can the EU become an effective global actor?'
17 September 2021
With Frédéric Bernard, Sherpa and Head of Cabinet Michel, European Council

Launch of 'How to fight corruption and uphold the rule of law'
13 July 2021
With Katalin Cseh, Carl Dolan, Camino Mortera-Martinez and Michiel van Hulten

CER/Kreab webinar on 'How does the EU lead the world on climate change?'
22 June 2021
With Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, European Commission. Watch the video of the webinar here.

PGS21: Placing politics above economics: How COVID-19 has led to a public finance paradigm shift
09 June 2021 to 11 June 2021
With Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Jason Furman and Christian Odendahl. Watch the video of the webinar here.

T20 webinar on 'After COVID-19: A most wanted recovery'
19 May 2021
With Franco Bruni, Paul De Grauwe, Maria Demertzis, Elena Flores, Christian Odendahl and André Sapir. Watch the video of the webinar here.

Webinar on 'Securing Europe's economic recovery'
18 May 2021
With Céline Gauer, Head of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force, European Commission

Webinar on 'The future UK-EU relationship: An Irish perspective'
12 May 2021
With Thomas Byrne, Minister of State for European Affairs, Ireland. Watch the Minister's opening remarks here.

CER/Clifford Chance webinar on 'Curbing Big Tech? How the EU should regulate gatekeepers'
10 May 2021
With Isabelle de Silva, Andreas Mundt, Pedro Rodrigues Duarte and Andreas Schwab. Watch the opening remarks here.

CER/AIG webinar on 'Forging a middle way: How can the EU navigate the US-China digital divide?'
05 May 2021
With Aynne Kokas, Caroline Meinhardt and Alexander Roth. Watch the opening remarks here.

Daimler US-European Forum on Global Issues, 15 April 2021
15 April 2021
Speakers included: Salman Ahmed, Tjorven Bellmann, John Bew, Nathalie Tocci, Manuel Lafont Rapnouil, Laura Rosenberger and Petra Sigmund