Ian Bond
Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise
Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.
Европейский эксперт
20 May 2015
Очень важно, чтобы ЕС понял, что его интересы и его ценности связаны с успехом таких стран, как Украина, Молдова и Грузия, считает Ян Бонд
The Eastern Partnership: On life support?
19 May 2015
Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs said in February that the EU’s meeting with its eastern partners in Riga this month would be a “survival summit”. The six partners are a disparate group – but the partnership is worth preserving. Here are five ways the EU can do so.
ECFR's the world in 30 minutes: Riga summit
19 May 2015
ECFR's director Mark Leonard speaks to Ian Bond, director of Foreign Policy at the CER, and ECFR Senior Policy Fellow's Kadri Liik and Andrew Wilson. They take a look at the Eastern Partnership summit, which will take place in Riga on the 20-21 May 2015, and whether we can expect any...
France 24: Road to EU renegotiation for re-elected British PM
11 May 2015
Ian Bond speaks to France 24 on how Cameron will seek to re-negotiate with the EU
Несподівана перемога Кемерона
08 May 2015
Експерт про те, чого очікувати Україні від другого терміну лідера консерваторів (in Ukranian).
Radio Fribourg: Cameron's promised EU referendum
07 May 2015
Ian Bond talks to Radio Fribourg on the referendum over the UK and the EU promised by David Cameron (02:50).
NATO: Guardian of peace or bellicose bully?
Al Jazeera
17 April 2015
Former NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on whether the West's military alliance has reignited the Cold War.
Judy Asks: Should Western leaders attend Moscow’s WWII parade?
Carnegie Europe
15 April 2015
On May 9, Russian President Vladimir Putin will preside over the Moscow Victory Day Parade in Red Square, which will celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the capitulation of Nazi Germany in 1945. Carnegie Europe asked a group of experts whether Western leaders should attend the event.
Video interview on 'Frozen: The politics and economics of sanctions against Russia'
16 March 2015
Ian Bond and Christian Odendahl discuss Western sanctions against Russia and the findings of their latest policy brief.
Panel discussion on 'Consequences of the Year 2014 for the World Order'
06 March 2015
Ian Bond speaks on the panel, 'Consequences of the Year 2014 for the World Order', in Warsaw in March 2015.