John Springford
John Springford

Associate fellow
Areas of expertise
Britain and Europe, migration and labour markets, the single market and supply side reform, international trade, the euro, fiscal and monetary policy.
Britain can't be Norway, and Eurosceptics know this
The Telegraph
29 September 2015
Norway's relationship with the EU is being pushed as an alternative for Britain, but outers know it wouldn't work
BBC World Service: Europe’s migrant influx threatens Schengen
01 September 2015
John Springford discusses the impact of Schendgen on business.
How not to create a 'European Google'
27 August 2015
Europe must learn that markets make strong companies. Bureaucrats don’t.
The EU risks damaging consumer interests in its push against Google dominance
City A.M
23 July 2015
Jean Tirole won last year’s Nobel prize for economics for his work on a new type of market – and one that has grown with the meteoric rise of the internet. So-called two-sided markets arise when a company brings together suppliers and consumers. Google is a classic example: it...
The Greek bailout deal resolves nothing
The Huffington Post
14 July 2015
The new bailout deal signals Greece's capitulation to its creditors, something which has important ramifications for the bailout's success. Even if the deal makes it through the Greek parliament in the coming weeks, the programme's economic incoherence will make it fall apart.
Will the ongoing Greek crisis have a positive impact on Britain's renegotiation with the EU?
City A.M
08 July 2015
John Springford, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, says No
Those who believe that an embattled EU, weakened by an ongoing Greek crisis – or worse, Grexit – would give big concessions to David Cameron are misguided.
Those who believe that an embattled EU, weakened by an ongoing Greek crisis – or worse, Grexit – would give big concessions to David Cameron are misguided.
Open labour markets are good for Britain
Financial Times
17 April 2015
Senior research fellow John Springford writes an open letter to the Financial Times.
Brexit threatens Britain's poorest regions
09 April 2015
A British exit from the EU most imperils the UK’s poorest regions, and could make inequality worse, writes John Springford.
When you join the EU you make a deal – Switzerland needs to remember that
The Guardian
19 January 2015
Swiss attempts to limit EU immigration may succeed but, as UK Eurosceptics should note, reneging on a bargain can bring dire consequences.
Italy’s ‘Neet’ rate is way above OECD average
Financial Times
07 January 2015
John Springford writes a letter of opinion in the Financial Times.