Bulletin 4

Issue 4 - 1999

The myth of tax harmonisation

The myth of tax harmonisation

Kitty Ussher
01 February 1999
There are no plans to harmonise European Union rates of VAT, income tax or company tax. Yet the inhabitants of Britain could be forgiven for thinking precisely the opposite.
Give on the rebate to gain elsewhere

Give on the rebate to gain elsewhere

Kitty Ussher
01 February 1999
At their special summit in March, EU leaders are due to settle the Union's finances for the next seven years. The British government is adamant: the budget rebate won by Mrs Thatcher in 1984 is not up for negotiation.
Vision please

Vision please

Ben Hall
01 February 1999
This year will be crucial both for the development of the European Union and for Britain's position within it. Outside EMU, Britain cannot be one of the leading players. It will have to run to keep up. That means that the government must actively engage in a public debate about Europe's future.
The end of EADC

The end of EADC

Charles Grant, Alexandra Ashbourne
01 February 1999
A little over a year ago the political leaders of Britain, France and Germany launched their plan for a European Aerospace and Defence Company (EADC).
29 January 1999
Issue number 
Charles Grant, Kitty Ussher, Ben Hall, Alexandra Ashbourne, Kitty Ussher