CER/Kreab Gavin Anderson breakfast on 'How can EU trade policy contribute to economic growth?'
27 November 2012
With Marc Vanheukelen, Head of cabinet, DG Trade, European Commission

Allianz-CER forum on 'A Multi-tiered Europe? The political consenquences of the euro crisis'
21 November 2012
Speakers included: Giuliano Amato, Miroslav Lajcak, Lord Kerr, The Rt Hon David Miliband MP and Wolfgang Schuessel.

CER economics conference on 'Europe’s future in an age of austerity'
09 November 2012 to 10 November 2012
Speakers included: Marco Buti, Richard Lambert, David Miliband MP, Robert Skidelsky and Paul Tucker.

CER/Kreab Gavin Anderson breakfast on 'Britain and the EU: Future direction'
30 October 2012
With Sir Jon Cunliffe, permanent representative of the UK to the EU

Breakfast on 'The future structure of EU banking' with Erkki Liikanen
22 October 2012
With Erkki Liikanen, governor of the Bank of Finland

CER/Kreab Gavin Anderson breakfast on 'Strengthening Europe's economy through climate policies'
18 October 2012
With Commissioner Connie Hedegaard

CER/EDAM 8th Bodrum roundtable
12 October 2012 to 14 October 2012
Speakers included: Leila Abboud, Egemen Bağış, Carl Bildt, Thomas Carothers, Kemal Derviş, Daniel Gros, David Miliband, Nickolay Mladenov, John Peet, Rana Sweis and Richard Youngs.

CER/BNE/Open Europe fringe event at the Conservative party's conference: 'Europe, from crisis to growth'
09 October 2012
Speakers included: Harriett Baldwin MP, David Lidington MP, Mats Persson (chair) and Charles Grant.

CER/BNE/Open Europe fringe event at the Labour party's conference: 'Europe, from crisis to growth'
30 September 2012
Speakers included: The Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP & Chris Leslie MP, Charles Grant (chair) Mats Persson.