Dinner on 'What are Europe’s counter-terror priorities?'
10 March 2009
With Gilles de Kerchove, the EU’s counter-terrorism co-ordinator & Sir David Omand, former UK security and intelligence co-ordinator.

Seminar on 'The impact of the economic crisis on Russia's politics and foreign policy'
20 February 2009
Speakers included: Igor Yurgens, chairman of the board, Bank Renaissance Capital, Christopher Granville, Trusted Sources Research, Bobo Lo & Katinka Barysch.

Dinner on 'The fight to secure Europe’s borders'
05 February 2009
With Ilkka Laitinen, head of Frontex

Launch of 'State, money & rules: An EU policy for sovereign investments'
15 January 2009
With Lord Myners, City minister.

Launch of 'State, money & rules: An EU policy for sovereign investments'
13 January 2009
With David O'Sullivan, director-general, DG Trade, European Commission.