Launch of 'The Lisbon scorecard IX'
13 March 2009
With José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission. Panellists included: Philip Whyte and Karel Lannoo.
Roundtable on 'The financial crisis, Ukraine and the future of Eastern Europe'
11 March 2009
With Anders Aslund, senior fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics and former advisor to President Leonid Kuchma
Dinner on 'What are Europe’s counter-terror priorities?'
10 March 2009
With Gilles de Kerchove, the EU’s counter-terrorism co-ordinator & Sir David Omand, former UK security and intelligence co-ordinator.
Seminar on 'The impact of the economic crisis on Russia's politics and foreign policy'
20 February 2009
Speakers included: Igor Yurgens, chairman of the board, Bank Renaissance Capital, Christopher Granville, Trusted Sources Research, Bobo Lo & Katinka Barysch.
Dinner on 'The fight to secure Europe’s borders'
05 February 2009
With Ilkka Laitinen, head of Frontex
Launch of 'State, money & rules: An EU policy for sovereign investments'
15 January 2009
With Lord Myners, City minister.
Launch of 'State, money & rules: An EU policy for sovereign investments'
13 January 2009
With David O'Sullivan, director-general, DG Trade, European Commission.
Breakfast meeting on 'Do we need an EU industrial policy?'
09 December 2008
With Gunter Verheugen, European commissioner for enterprise & industry.