BfB/BNE/CER fringe event at the Conservative Party conference: 'Can Britain lead in Europe? Will EU reforms deliver growth and jobs?'
30 September 2014
Speakers included Vicky Ford MEP, chair, Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, European Parliament and Rt Hon David Lidington MP, minister of state for Europe

BfB/BNE/CER fringe event at the Labour Party conference: 'Can Britain lead in Europe? Will EU reforms deliver growth and jobs?'
21 September 2014
Speakers included Peter Kellner, president, YouGov and Gareth Thomas MP, shadow minister for Europe

CER/demosEUROPA forum on 'Europe's new leaders in a world of crises: What priorities?'
08 September 2014 to 09 September 2014
With a keynote speech by Radosław Sikorski, minister of foreign affairs, Poland

Roundtable on 'Can the EU make better use of scientific evidence?'
10 July 2014
With Professor Anne Glover, chief scientific advisor to the president of the European Commission, and Geoff Mulgan, chief executive, Nesta

Breakfast on 'Is the EU holding back innovation?'
09 July 2014
With The Rt Hon David Willetts MP, minister of state for universities and science.

London launch of CER report 'How to finish the euro house' by Philippe Legrain
04 July 2014
With Philippe Legrain, economist and author, and Paul de Grauwe, John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy, London School of Economics and Political Science.

16th birthday party
30 June 2014
With a keynote speech by the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Education. Hosted by HE Pasquale Terracciano, Ambassador of Italy to the UK.

Brussels launch of CER report 'How to finish the euro house' by Philippe Legrain
24 June 2014
With Philippe Legrain, economist and author, Shahin Vallée, advisor to President Van Rompuy, European Council, and Cinzia Alcidi, head of economic policy unit and LUISS research fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies.

Allianz-CER European forum dinner on 'Is EU competition policy fit for a globalised world?'
23 June 2014
With Joaquín Almunia, vice-president and European commissioner for competition, European Commission.

Dinner on 'The future of NATO and European defence co-operation'
18 June 2014
With Dr Andrew Murrison MP, minister for international security strategy, Ministry of Defence