Trade policy

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All is not well in the Visegrad economies

Simon Tilford
29 November 2017
On the face of it the Visegrad – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia – appear to be doing quite well economically. But there are problems behind the headline growth figures.

Trump's trade policy: Separating the normal from the dangerous

Noah Gordon
10 November 2017
Some of Trump's trade actions are traditionally American. Others threaten the future of the World Trade Organisation. Europeans should look past his insults and prepare a response.

Unfreezing TTIP: Why a transatlantic trade pact still makes strategic sense

Rem Korteweg
11 May 2017
Despite concerns about Trump's views on trade, a transatlantic deal would bring foreign policy benefits. If only Europe could get its act together.

Trump, trade and the EU: Two wrongs don't make a right

John Springford, Christian Odendahl
23 February 2017
The US will not gain by resorting to protectionism. If it does so, the EU should stay calm, listen when US criticism is justified, and make its first priority the defence of the WTO process and the rule of law.

The end of the transatlantic trade consensus?

Rem Korteweg
21 February 2017
Trump, Brexit and European scepticism about TTIP spell the end of transatlantic leadership on trade.
Crisis of capitalism? Perhaps, but don’t blame it on globalisation

Crisis of capitalism? Perhaps, but don't blame it on globalisation

Simon Tilford
10 February 2017
Globalisation did not force governments to adopt policies that divided their countries, exacerbated inequality and hit social mobility. Many of them did those things by choice.

Britain's economy: Enjoy the calm before the storm

Simon Tilford
26 January 2017
Britain's economy has not weathered the Brexit storm. But the calm before the storm has lasted longer than many economists expected.

What does Theresa May's speech tell us about how Britain will leave the EU?

17 January 2017
Theresa May has decided on a hard Brexit, putting sovereignty ahead of economics. She thinks the negotiations will take only two years, but they will take longer.

Customs union membership is no way out of the Brexit trap

16 December 2016
Remaining in the customs union seems to be the least damaging way for Britain to ‘take back control’, but it is fraught with difficulties.

Brexit and the economics of populism

Simon Tilford, John Springford
12 December 2016
Inequality, insecurity and a nativist backlash against immigration all help to explain the rise of populism. But globalisation does not prevent governments from addressing these problems.

A wake-up call for liberal Brexiters

Simon Tilford
22 November 2016
Trump's win has further weakened the liberal case for Brexit. Forging the closest EU ties possible is now even more essential for Britain.

Brussels prepares for a hard Brexit

21 November 2016
The EU institutions predict a painful divorce for the UK, because they see hard-line eurosceptics pushing Theresa May away from a soft Brexit.

Trump and Europe: The sun sets on the West

09 November 2016
Donald Trump's election will strain the transatlantic partnership. Populism in Europe and the US will threaten post-Cold War security and prosperity. Europe will need to work with Trump and to hedge against risks.
Not so special: why the US won't help Britain in the Brexit talks

Not so special: Why the US won't help Britain in the Brexit talks

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Rem Korteweg
25 October 2016
The US is watching two of its best friends get a divorce. It is not in its interest to take sides.
Sterling slump won't rescue the British economy

Sterling slump won't rescue the British economy

John Springford, Simon Tilford
21 October 2016
The 2008 devaluation did not prompt strong growth in British exports. The post-referendum fall in the pound is unlikely to do so either.

Theresa May and her six-pack of difficult deals

28 July 2016
Theresa May’s ministers need to negotiate not just one Brexit deal, but six. They must charm not only EU governments, but also every WTO member.

Can Britain join Norway in the EEA?

09 June 2016
Pro-EU MPs might try to force the UK to accept membership of the EEA – the ‘Norway option’ – if Britain votes to leave the EU. Charles Grant and John Springford debate whether this is likely.
TTIP is no reason to leave the EU

TTIP is no reason to leave the EU

Rem Korteweg
17 May 2016
Opposition to TTIP has become a rallying cry for Brexiters. They are relying on myths about trade agreements, TTIP and the NHS.

How to save the ideas behind TTIP

Christian Odendahl
11 May 2016
European politicians face an increasingly hostile debate on TTIP. They need to show how TTIP avoids past trade policy failures and improves European regulation.