CER/BNE fringe event 'Europe's crisis: What role for Britain?'
26 September 2010
At Labour party conference. Speakers included: The Rt Hon Charles Clarke, Richard Corbett, Baroness Royall.

CER/BNE fringe event 'Europe's crisis: what role for Britain?'
20 September 2010
At Liberal Democrat party conference. Speakers included: Andrew Duff MEP, Michael Moore MP & Ian Wrightc.

Roundtable on 'EU internal security: priorities, realities and challenges'
16 September 2010
With Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for home affairs.

Dinner on 'Future priorities for European home affairs policy'
16 September 2010
With Cecilia Malmström, European commissioner for home affairs

Breakfast on 'Restoring financial stability in Britain and Europe'
23 July 2010
With Paul Tucker, deputy governor of the Bank of England.

Dinner on 'A European pathway to a low carbon future'
22 July 2010
With The Rt Hon Chris Huhne MP, secretary of state for energy & climate change.

CER/Interel breakfast on EU competition policy
09 July 2010
With Alexander Italianer, director general for competition, European Commission

Debate on 'How can confidence within the eurozone be restored?'
21 June 2010
With Jürgen Stark, ECB and Martin Wolf, FT.

CER/Interel breakfast on EU energy policy
18 June 2010
With Philip Lowe, director general for energy, European Commission

CER/ECFR seminar on 'Europe's crisis, Britain's challenge?'
15 June 2010
Speakers included: Joschka Fischer, Lord Howell, George Soros.