Dinner on 'The financial crisis: Who is to blame?'
04 November 2010
With Sir Howard Davies, director, London School of Economics & Political Science.

Roundtable launch of 'Zero-sum world'
03 November 2010
With Gideon Rachman, chief foreign affairs commentator, Financial Times & Lord Malloch-Brown, chairman, FTI Global Affairs.

Roundtable on the priorities for the forthcoming Polish presidency
21 October 2010
With Radek Sikorski, Polish foreign minister.

Roundtable on Ukraine
20 October 2010
Launch of 'Why Europe matters', a report by the Agency for Legislative Initiatives (ALI) in Ukraine

CER/Interel breakfast on 'Rebooting the single market'
13 October 2010
With Malcolm Harbour MEP

CER/EDAM Bodrum roundtable
09 October 2010 to 12 October 2010
Speakers included: Egeman Bagis, Carl Bildt, Mikolaj Dowgielewicz.

CER/BNE fringe event 'Europe's crisis what role for Britain'
04 October 2010
At Conservative party conference. Speakers included Malcolm Harbour MEP & David Lidington MP, minister of state for Europe.

CER/BNE/Open Europe fringe event on 'Is the Channel wider than the Atlantic?'
03 October 2010
At Conservative party conference. Speakers included: Carl Bildt, John Bruton, Vicky Ford MEP, The Rt Hon William Hague MP, Daniel Hannan MEP.

Roundtable on the state of Russia
30 September 2010
With Anatol Lieven, professor, King's College London & Lord Skidelsky, professor emeritus of political economy at the University of Warwick.

CER/Carnegie launch of 'Turkish politics and the fading magic of EU enlargement'
29 September 2010
With Sinan Ülgen, director, EDAM & visiting scholar, Carnegie Europe.