Camino Mortera-Martinez
Camino Mortera-Martinez

Head of the Brussels office
Areas of expertise
EU law, EU politics and institutions and EU justice and home affairs.
CER podcast: The rights of EU migrants in Britain after Brexit
07 October 2016
CER researchers assess the credibility, legality and practical feasibility of political proposals to restrict the rights of EU migrants in the UK.
"Posielať domov" migrantov z EÚ nebude pre Britániu ľahké
23 August 2016
Ľudia z iných krajín EÚ žijúci v Británii sa až tak veľmi brexitu obávať nemusia, píšu experti think-tanku CER. Novú britskú vládu čakajú v najbližších rokoch veľmi komplikované rokovania, podľa ktorých sa dohodne podoba budúceho vzťahu medzi Veľkou Britániou a zvyškom únie. Kľúčovou otázkou bude vytvorenie právneho rámca pre pokračovanie pobytu občanov EÚ v Spojenom kráľovstve.
A death foretold
The Mark News
18 August 2016
The worst refugee crisis since World War II, a seemingly never-ending string of terrorist attacks, and the rise of populism across Europe threaten to bring the Schengen area down.
Colin and Matthew look into the current state of France after the recent terror attacks
16 July 2016
Camino Mortera-Martinez talks to Share Radio in the wake of the terror attack in Nice, and on the potential effects in France.
Duelo de damas para el numero 10
La Razon
06 July 2016
Nadie le pidió a David Cameron que celebrara un referéndum sobre la permanencia de Reino Unido en la Unión Europea.
How Brexit burst the Brussels bubble
28 June 2016
The EU needs to start listening to its citizens, eurosceptic though they may be, if it wants to save what is left of the European project.
Falló Cameron, pero Bruselas ignoró el asunto
La Nueva Espana
25 June 2016
A eso de las tres o las cuatro de la madrugada empezaron a remitir las esperanzas de Camino Mortera, jurista ovetense, investigadora del Centro para la Reforma Europea, un "think tank" sobre asuntos europeos con base en Londres.
CER podcast: Europe after Bremain - an agenda for the UK
17 June 2016
Sophia Besch talks to John Springford, Camino Mortera-Martinez and Ian Bond on what role the UK could play in the EU following a vote to stay in on June 23rd.
Cómo salvar Schengen
El Pais
04 June 2016
La EU ha perdido el control de sus fronteras. Schengen, el acuerdo que abolió los controles fronterizos en 26 países europeos, está a punto de derrumbarse.
CER podcast: EU capitals weigh in on the Brexit debate
02 June 2016
Sophia Besch chats to her peers about how their home country's capitals view the Brexit debate in the UK.