Camino Mortera-Martinez

Camino Mortera-Martinez

Head of the Brussels office
Areas of expertise 

EU law, EU politics and institutions and EU justice and home affairs.


CER podcast: Five questions on the implications of a Brexit for EU Justice and Home Affairs policies

18 May 2016
In the third episode of a series of podcasts on the implications of a Brexit for the EU, Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) research fellow Camino Mortera-Martinez explains the consequences of a Brexit for EU JHA policies.
The collapse of Schengen would have only two winners: Terrorists and populist parties

The collapse of Schengen would have only two winners: Terrorists and populist parties

The Telegraph
05 May 2016
Unprecedented numbers of asylum seekers making their way into Europe have led some member states to close their borders.

The reckless return of migrants to Turkey is a dangerous time for Europe

The Independent
05 April 2016
Ankara has not managed to shut down migration flows in the past, and there is nothing to prevent the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, asking for more concessions.

CER podcast: Emergency EU Turkey summit

09 March 2016
Sophia Besch talks to the CER's JHA expert Camino Mortera-Martinez about the details of this week's migration summit deal and broader implications for the sustainability of Schengen.

Taking security seriously in the age of global terror

The Wall Street Journal
22 December 2015
As terrorists slip across borders and hide on the Internet, Europe and America must learn to share intelligence better.

The European walled-garden: What's the root cause? what's the solution?

Open democracy
14 September 2015
The EU expanded eastwards during the 90s and 00s did just the kind of thing we wanted: it was a force for openness that was making concrete policy to weaken the grip of the exlcuisve nation-stage.

As the migrant crisis intensifies, is this the beginning of the end of Europe's Schengen area?

City A.M
04 September 2015
Alan Mendoza, executive director of the Henry Jackson Society, says Yes and Camino Mortera, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, says No

The Calais crisis: Discussion with Mark Reckless and Emily Maitlis

05 August 2015
Camino Mortera-Martinez discusses the Calais crisis with Mark Reckless and Emily Maitlis.
Watch the debate here (17:40).

Storming the castle: Calais, or the failure of the EU’s migration policies

City A.M.
03 August 2015
The ongoing crisis in Calais is a sad reminder that the EU is still far from finding a solution to its migration problems. It also shows how deep national divides have become in Europe. France blames Italy and Greece for failing to process asylum seekers arriving on its shores, opening the doors for them to travel elsewhere.

France Culture: Bruxelles, et après ?

14 June 2015
Interview de Camino Mortera-Martinez, chercheuse au Centre for European Reform, un think tank londonien. 
Le 14 juin 1985, les accords de Schengen étaient signés par les cinq Etat membres de la Communauté économique européenne d'alors. Ils sont entrés en vigueur en 1995 et 26 Etats dont 22 membres de l'Union européenne...