Charles Grant
Charles Grant

Areas of expertise
Britain’s relationship with the EU, the ‘future of Europe’ debate, European foreign and defence policy, and China's relations with the West.
CER podcast: UK election primer
07 June 2017
On the day before the UK general election, Charles Grant and Simon Tilford discuss current polls, the effect of recent attacks on voting, which issues were not sufficiently discussed in the campaigns and what would be the best possible election result for Europe.
Daily Politics: The growing Brexit bill
03 May 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Andrew Neil about the growing Brexit bill (from 03.40).
Germany needs a strong EU. Why would it allow Britain an easy Brexit?
The Guardian
19 April 2017
Angela Merkel’s government has no interest in indulging the UK during the negotiations – and a general election won't change that.
CCTV: Devaluation of the pound
25 March 2017
Charles Grant talks to China Central Television about the fall in the value of the pound since the referendum and the impact on food prices (from 01.30).
BBC Radio 4: The World Tonight
15 March 2017
Charles Grant talks to The World Tonight about what could lie in store should Britain leave the EU without an exit deal (from 30.25).
CNN: Netherlands elections, after exit polls suggest Rutte ahead of Wilders
15 March 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Richard Quest on CNN to discuss the Dutch election result.
BBC Radio Scotland: Good Morning Scotland
11 March 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Good Morning Scotland about the governments Brexit negotiations and the UK's hopes for trade deals (from 01.20).
CER podcast: Charles Grant on Theresa May's emerging Brexit deal
07 March 2017
Discussion on the process of deciding the British position in Brexit negotiations, the value of the UK’s ‘trump cards’ and why European officials are pessimistic about finding a good agreement.
Report: 'Deluded' UK cannot afford to be smug on Brexit
Global Government Forum
23 February 2017
Britain is in a weak negotiating position and will have to win the goodwill of leaders in Europe if it is to avoid economic chaos following Brexit, according to a report by independent think tank the Centre for European Reform (CER).
Sunday Politics: Brexit bill
05 February 2017
Charles Grant, director of the CER and Henry Newman, director of Open Europe speak to Andrew Neil on Sunday Politics about the bill for Brexit. (From 12.00 mins)