Charles Grant
Charles Grant

Areas of expertise
Britain’s relationship with the EU, the ‘future of Europe’ debate, European foreign and defence policy, and China's relations with the West.
Sunday Politics: Brexit bill
05 February 2017
Charles Grant, director of the CER and Henry Newman, director of Open Europe speak to Andrew Neil on Sunday Politics about the bill for Brexit. (From 12.00 mins)
CER podcast: CER researchers review the year 2016
21 December 2016
Charles Grant, Simon Tilford and Ian Bond review the political themes and events that shaped 2016.
BBC Radio 4: World at One talks to Charles Grant
20 December 2016
Charles Grant talks to the World at One about Nicola Sturgeon's announcement on Scotland staying in the single market (22:42).
Russia Today: Charles Grant warns that Nicola Sturgeon's single market plans are 'unrealistic'
20 December 2016
Charles Grant says independence is the more realistic way for Scotland to stay in the single market.
Nicola Sturgeon Brexit adviser pours cold water on her single market plans hours before they are unveiled
The Telegraph
19 December 2016
Charles Grant said it was “extremely difficult” to see how her plans were legally, politically or technically feasible.
Britain is heading for the hardest of hard Brexits, but Theresa May can limit the damage
The Guardian
08 December 2016
Theresa May's government is heading for the hardest of hard Brexits. That's what many European officials now believe.
De kans dat de brexit niet doorgaat is nul
05 December 2016
Wie het Britse brexitgetreuzel volgt, kan zomaar het gevoel bekruipen dat de eilandbewoners misschien wel nooit uit de Europese Unie zullen vertrekken.
Are we heading for a hard Brexit?
05 December 2016
While it’s nice to know what the options are, the main thing is trying to find out what will actually happen.
BBC Newsnight: Charles Grant on Boris Johnson's free movement comments
02 December 2016
Charles Grant talks frankly to BBC Newsnight about Boris Johnson's recent free movement comments to EU foreign ministers. (From 23 mins)
CER podcast: Charles Grant and Jean Pisani-Ferry on UK-EU relations and the future of the Eurozone
26 October 2016
Charles Grant and Jean Pisani-Ferry discuss the chances of a ‘continental partnership’ between Britain and the EU post Brexit.