Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.

European policy in Asia: Getting past mercatorism and mercantilism

European policy in Asia: Getting past mercatorism and mercantilism

07 September 2017
Asia is a dangerous place, and closer to Europe than most Europeans think. They cannot leave Trump's America to tackle all Asia's security problems.
Liberalism under attack: Is the EU a fortress or a sandcastle?

Liberalism under attack: Is the EU a fortress or a sandcastle?

27 July 2017
The EU cannot rely on partnership with Trump’s America to defend the international liberal order. It must do more to protect its values and interests.

The EU, the Eurasian Economic Union and One Belt, One Road: Can they work together?

16 March 2017
The EU, Russia's Eurasian Economic Union and China's One Belt, One Road initiative may become rival spheres of influence. But could they complement each other instead?

Contested space: Eastern Europe between Russia and the EU

09 March 2017
The EU's Eastern Partners are caught between the West, which excludes them from its organisations, and Russia, which tries to force them into its orbit.

Russia, the West and Eastern Europe: Lenin's long shadow

26 January 2017
Russia's neighbours in Eastern Europe are dogged by their Soviet legacy. Both Russia and the West need better strategies to deal with Europe's contested spaces.

Where will Donald Trump take the world?

20 January 2017
Donald Trump has been sworn in as 45th President of the United States, and delivered a short but savage inaugural address. If he means what he says, he is going to do enormous damage both to the US and to the rest of the world.

Russia and China: Partners of choice and necessity?

08 December 2016
Russia and China are not natural allies. Western policy should reflect their different interests, not drive them together. China may be the easier one to accommodate.

Does 'America First' mean EU defence at last?

22 November 2016
The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States puts European security at risk.

Trump and Europe: The sun sets on the West

09 November 2016
Donald Trump's election will strain the transatlantic partnership. Populism in Europe and the US will threaten post-Cold War security and prosperity. Europe will need to work with Trump and to hedge against risks.
Brexit and foreign policy: Divorce?

Brexit and foreign policy: Divorce?

18 July 2016
The British government must work hard to minimise the damage to its international influence from Brexit. First step: more investment in relations with European partners.