Ian Bond
Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise
Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.
Does 'America First' mean EU defence at last?
22 November 2016
The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States puts European security at risk.
Trump and Europe: The sun sets on the West
09 November 2016
Donald Trump's election will strain the transatlantic partnership. Populism in Europe and the US will threaten post-Cold War security and prosperity. Europe will need to work with Trump and to hedge against risks.
Brexit and foreign policy: Divorce?
18 July 2016
The British government must work hard to minimise the damage to its international influence from Brexit. First step: more investment in relations with European partners.
NATO, the EU and Brexit: Joining forces?
05 July 2016
NATO and the EU must work together to manage crises in Europe’s neighbourhood. The UK’s referendum vote has given them one more problem to solve.
Britain, the EU and security: Only one thing worse than fighting with allies
21 June 2016
The threats to Britain are diverse, and shared with Europe. Responses must be equally flexible and multinational. The age of splendid isolation is not coming back.
Europe after Bremain: A strong team?
10 June 2016
If Britain votes to Remain, it should not revert to old habits of obstruction. In almost every field, it can serve its own interests best by making a positive contribution.
The EU after Bremain: Kiss and make up?
26 May 2016
If the UK votes to remain in the EU, Britain's interests will be best served if David Cameron sets ambitious goals and faces down eurosceptics.
The US, Britain and the EU: Who cares?
21 April 2016
When Obama speaks out against Brexit, he will be protecting America’s interests. That does not mean that he is wrong.
Europe after Brexit: Unleashed or undone?
15 April 2016
If Britain left the EU, the character of the Union would change. The UK has driven economic liberalisation and foreign policy co-operation, and has made the EU's machinery more efficient.
The refugee crisis: Fixing Schengen is not enough
17 February 2016
Europe's refugee crisis is a foreign policy crisis with domestic spill-over; it has to be solved abroad as well as at home.