The single market & competition policy

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Britain and EMU

Britain and EMU: The case for joining

Graham Bishop, Chris Boyd, Alison Cottrell, Diane Coyle, Alan Donnelly, Niall FitzGerald, Pascal Lamy, Alman Metten, John Monks, Sir David Simon, Peter Sutherland, Martin Wolf
07 February 1997
As the deadline for the start of Economic and Monetary Union approaches, the British debate on the single currency is shifting. Theoretical discussions on the pros and cons of monetary union are becoming less relevant. Britain now faces an urgent and practical question: if, as seems likely, its principal trading...
Can industrial Europe be saved?

Can industrial Europe be saved?

Olivier Cadot, Pierre Blime
13 September 1996
Pessimists claim that the European economy is sinking under the weight of an over-regulated labour market and a costly welfare state. Taking a hard-headed look at the facts, Olivier Cadot and Pierre Blime find that Europe's competitive position in manufacturing has declined, industrial Europe is facing declining market shares in...
