Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


Bridging the Channel: The UK's nuclear deterrent and its role in European security

18 November 2021
The UK’s nuclear deterrent is intended to defend its NATO allies as well as itself. The UK must do a better job of persuading allies that its commitment to them is real.

Lukashenka is the problem, not the migrants

12 November 2021
The crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border is artificially manufactured. Europe needs to focus on the cause of the problem – Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s desire to strike back at the EU.

Why have Europe's energy prices spiked and what can the EU do about them?

28 October 2021
Europeans’ skyrocketing energy bills are not primarily Russia’s fault, though it is capitalising on Europe’s vulnerability.

Transatlantic relations after Afghanistan and AUKUS

30 September 2021
America’s relations with its European allies have survived worse crises than the row over whose submarines Australia will buy, or even the Afghanistan debacle. The US should not be complacent, however.

You can leave Afghanistan, but will Afghanistan leave you?

19 August 2021
The Taliban’s victory is a disaster for Western policy, but it is not the end of the story. The West must now work hard to mitigate the fallout.

The Moscow coup(s) of 1991: Who won and why does it still matter?

17 August 2021
Thirty years after the coup that triggered the Soviet Union’s collapse, Russia is ruled by the heirs of the plotters, not their democratic opponents. Why?

President Biden went to Europe, and all we got was …?

10 June 2021
Biden is America’s most Atlanticist president since Bill Clinton. Europe and the US will not see eye-to-eye on everything, but they should not waste this chance to strengthen their partnership.

EU foreign, security and defence policy co-operation with neighbours: Mapping diversity

10 May 2021
The EU and its neighbours co-operate in foreign policy in different ways. It would benefit by working more closely with its partners.

Can the UK be secure if Europe is not? The UK's (un)integrated review

28 April 2021
Having identified the Euro-Atlantic area as its home region and Russia as the most acute threat there, the British government must not ignore the EU’s role as a security partner.  

Russia, Ukraine and the West: How do you solve a problem like Vladimir?

13 April 2021
Vladimir Putin is threatening Ukraine again. The West so far lacks a unified and effective way of dealing with this and other challenges from Russia.