Trade policy

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What would a Biden presidency mean for US-EU trade relations?

Sam Lowe
28 October 2020
Joe Biden in the White House would remove the threat of a US-EU trade war from the table, and open up new areas for co-operation.

A tale of batteries, Brexit and EU strategic autonomy

Sam Lowe
23 October 2020
Recently leaked proposals suggest the EU wants to use the EU-UK trade deal to help on-shore an electric vehicle supply chain.

A trade deal would give the City of London breathing space

30 September 2020
The EU’s decisions on financial equivalence for the UK are formally separate from the trade deal under negotiation. But in reality, the two are linked.

A terrible border is reborn? Ireland and a no-deal Brexit

Daniel Keohane
25 September 2020
If the UK fails to reach a trade deal with the EU, and does not implement the special arrangements for Northern Ireland agreed in the Withdrawal Agreement, Ireland faces the prospect of a hard land border being reborn.
Five reasons why even a basic EU-UK trade deal is better than nothing

Five reasons why even a basic EU-UK trade deal is better than nothing

Sam Lowe
18 August 2020
A deal would avoid tariffs, unlock supplementary benefits, allow for EU and UK customs co-operation, ensure the Northern Ireland protocol is implemented sustainably

EU-UK negotiations: No need to panic (yet)

Sam Lowe
12 June 2020
A deal between the EU and UK remains possible. But neither side is likely to compromise on its current negotiating position until later in the year, when the cost of failure will become significantly more tangible.

How to implement the Northern Ireland Protocol

Sam Lowe
14 May 2020
The UK must face up to its responsibilities and work with the EU to ensure goods can move as freely as possible between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The future EU-UK relationship and the (relative) case for optimism

Sam Lowe
02 March 2020
Beyond the headline disagreements, both the EU and UK have similar expectations as to what a future free trade agreement can and cannot deliver. 
Photo Credit: PETER NICHOLLS/POOL/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Priorities for 'Global Britain'

Sam Lowe
27 January 2020
While the British government talks a good game on free trade and openness, it has failed to articulate what it actually wants and why. This will need to change.

Flexibility does not come for free

Sam Lowe
16 January 2020
An EU-UK free trade agreement will result in new barriers to trade and border friction even if the UK chooses to unilaterally align itself with EU rules and regulations.

How economically damaging will Brexit be?

28 November 2019
Forecasts of the long-term hit from Boris Johnson’s Brexit range from 2 to 7 per cent. There are several reasons to fear that that the costs will be on the higher side.

Bulletin issue 129 - December 2019/January 2020

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, John Springford, Sophia Besch
28 November 2019

What a Boris Johnson EU-UK free trade agreement means for business

Sam Lowe
05 November 2019
Johnson's EU-UK free trade agreement would increase friction and costs of trading with the EU. Many businesses would find adapting to a new FTA just as troublesome as if the UK had crashed out without a deal. 

Choppy waters ahead for EU trade policy

Sam Lowe
30 September 2019
The strategic case for new EU free trade agreements is strong. But delivering them requires accommodating the European Parliament and winning over an inwardly focused agriculture lobby.

How would negotiations after a no-deal Brexit play out?

03 September 2019
After no deal, the EU would demand that the UK sign up to the provisions of the withdrawal agreement, but in exchange for an emergency deal that is far worse than the standstill transition.

Now is the worst time for 'global Britain'

John Springford, Sam Lowe
27 June 2019
Global trade integration has stalled since the financial crisis, and is unlikely to pick up steam any time soon. In that context, plans for ‘global Britain’ will do little to offset the costs of Brexit.

Northern Ireland and the backstop: Why 'alternative arrangements' aren't an alternative

Sam Lowe
29 May 2019
Technical fixes for the Irish border will only work if created in conjunction with affected communities and businesses.

Europe without the UK: Liberated or diminished?

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Sam Lowe
13 March 2019
In 2016 the CER made ten predictions about the effect of Brexit on future EU policy. How do they stand up now, on the eve of the UK’s departure?

The cost of Brexit to September 2018

27 January 2019
The UK economy is 2.3 per cent smaller than it would be if Britain had voted to remain in the European Union.