The roles & policies of other member-states

Not so special: why the US won't help Britain in the Brexit talks

Not so special: Why the US won't help Britain in the Brexit talks

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Rem Korteweg
25 October 2016
The US is watching two of its best friends get a divorce. It is not in its interest to take sides.

Spain's groundhog day: Why Madrid needs a government

Camino Mortera-Martinez
12 September 2016
Whether or not there is a third election, Spain needs a government. Madrid must be a credible partner as the EU confronts multiple crises, from migration to Brexit.
How Leave outgunned Remain: The battle of the 'five Ms'

How Leave outgunned Remain: The battle of the 'five Ms'

25 June 2016
Remain suffered from unconvincing messengers, too narrow a message, difficulties over migration, a savage media and a ruthless Leave campaign machine.
Why young people are right to fear Brexit

Why young people are right to fear Brexit

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
17 June 2016
Even Brexiters admit that there will be short-term economic costs to leaving the EU. Young people would disproportionately bear the brunt, and the effects would be long-lasting.
Europe after Bremain: A strong team?

Europe after Bremain: A strong team?

Ian Bond, Sophia Besch, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Rem Korteweg, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Christian Odendahl, John Springford
10 June 2016
If Britain votes to Remain, it should not revert to old habits of obstruction. In almost every field, it can serve its own interests best by making a positive contribution.
The economic consequences of leaving the EU: The final report of the CER commission on Brexit 2016

The economic consequences of leaving the EU: The final report of the CER commission on Brexit 2016

John Springford, Simon Tilford, Christian Odendahl, Philip McCann
21 April 2016
After leaving the EU, the UK would face an invidious choice: sign up to EU rules and the free movement of labour, or suffer economic damage.
Cameron's deal is more than it seems

Cameron's deal is more than it seems

23 March 2016
Cameron's deal on EU reform is more significant than many commentators realise. It points the way to a looser, more differentiated Union.

Would an 'independent' Britain want to join the single market?

24 February 2016
Three economic rules mean that Britain would seek to join the EU's single market if it were not already a member.
Deal done: Now for the hard work

Deal done: Now for the hard work

20 February 2016
David Cameron did better than expected at last night's EU summit. But the deal will sway few voters, and Cameron must now make the case for the EU.
Bulletin Issue 106 - February/March 2016

Bulletin Issue 106 - February/March 2016

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Simon Tilford, Ian Bond
22 January 2016
No, Spain is not 'different': It too needs a grand coalition

No, Spain is not 'different': It too needs a grand coalition

Camino Mortera-Martinez
15 January 2016
After last month’s elections, where no party obtained an outright majority, Spain needs a grand coalition to secure constitutional reform and face the Catalan problem.

China's European charm offensive: Silk Road or Silk Rope?

27 November 2015
China is building closer relations with European countries, offering investments to all. EU member-states should welcome China’s contribution, without abandoning European values and interests.
Merkel after Paris

Merkel after Paris

Christian Odendahl, Sophia Besch
20 November 2015
Merkel's relatively open and liberal stance on refugees makes it easier for her to respond robustly to the attacks in France through security and foreign policy.
Power to the parliaments! But will Cameron's EU partners join his crusade?

Power to the parliaments! But will Cameron's EU partners join his crusade?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 October 2015
David Cameron wants parliaments to have a greater say in the EU. But member-states have little appetite to give national chambers powers to block Commission proposals.
With or without you: Will Catalonia be Europe's next crisis? thumbnail

With or without you: Will Catalonia be Europe's next crisis?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
30 September 2015
Catalonia’s elections caused more problems than they solved. Spain and Catalonia need to start a dialogue to reform Spain’s model of regional government. Otherwise, Catalonia will become Europe’s next crisis.
The Undiplomats: Right-wing populists and their foreign policies

The Undiplomats: Right-wing populists and their foreign policies

Yehuda Ben-Hur Levy
21 August 2015
The foreign policies of right-wing populist parties could damage European interests. Mainstream parties should address the problems populists highlight, without copying their policies.

German rebalancing: Waiting for Godot?

German rebalancing: Waiting for Godot?

Simon Tilford
09 March 2015
Far from rebalancing, Germany’s trade surplus continues to grow. This is in nobody’s interests. The German government could and should take steps to reduce it.
EU membership

David Cameron, Janan Ganesh and renegotiating EU membership

04 March 2015
In any renegotiation with the EU, Britain should not ask for opt-outs from social policy or financial regulation. But it should seek safeguards for the single market.
No, we can't: Why Podemos is not Syriza

No, we can't: Why Podemos is not Syriza

Camino Mortera-Martinez
20 February 2015
It is unlikely that Podemos will win Spain’s general elections. Podemos advocates for a reformed EU but will not be confrontational with the European institutions.
Juncker’s three steps to improve the Commission’s standing in the EU

Juncker's three steps to improve the Commission's standing in the EU

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
11 February 2015
Juncker has taken three steps to strengthen the Commission’s hand in European politics but he must still prove he can avoid repeating Barroso’s mistakes.