
Judy Asks: Is the two-state solution feasible?

Judy Asks: Is the two-state solution feasible?

09 November 2023
Carnegie Europe
The war between Israel and Hamas makes the two-state solution less viable than ever before. Achieving peace requires political will, compromise, and initiative from the international community.
West underestimated importance of rule of law in Russia - former British ambassador to Latvia

West underestimated importance of rule of law in Russia - former British ambassador to Latvia

09 November 2023
The Baltic Times
In the 1990s, the West missed several opportunities to push Russia in a different direction, primarily by focusing too much on Russia's economic transformation and underestimating the importance of the rule of law.
European Affairs Committee: The implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for UK-EU relations

European Affairs Committee: The implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for UK-EU relations

08 November 2023
Luigi Scazzieri gave evidence at the European Affairs Committee on the implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for UK-EU relations.

China’s soaring Dutch imports signal stockpiling of ASML kit ahead of US-backed export controls

08 November 2023
South China Morning Post
“The stunning surge in Chinese imports from the Netherlands over the past few months is a result of Beijing’s buying spree of Dutch chip machinery company ASML before the drawbridge gets pulled up,” said Sander Tordoir, a senior economist at the Centre for European Reform.
CER Podcast: Where is Europe in the Israel Hamas conflict?

CER Podcast: Where is Europe in the Israel Hamas conflict?

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri, Nathalie Tocci
07 November 2023
Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri and Nathalie Tocci discuss Europe's role in the Israel Hamas conflict.
Sander Tordoir

BNR Nieuwsradio: Duitse woningbouw piept en kraakt

07 November 2023
Net als de Nederlandse woningmarkt kent ook die van Duitsland problemen. En die crisis lijkt daar alleen maar erger te worden, blijkt uit cijfers van onderzoeksinstituut ifo. Duitsland kampt met een enorm piepende bouwsector, aldus Sander Tordoir, senior econoom van denktank Centre for European Reform.

Germany toughens asylum laws amid bitter migration debate

Camino Mortera-Martinez
07 November 2023
Voice of America
Chancellor Scholz has an eye on upcoming European elections, scheduled for June next year, says analyst Camino Mortera-Martinez of the Centre for European Reform in Brussels.

Are EU regulators ready for concentration in the AI market?

03 November 2023
“Many of the current players are suffering huge losses, largely because of how expensive the [AI] models are to run,” said Zach Meyers, a Centre for European Reform research fellow.“It seems inevitable that many of the current players will either be left behind or acquired by bigger companies.”

EU calls for ‘pauses’ in Gaza fighting amid doubts over bloc's influence

27 October 2023
Voice of America
“We’ve got some sort of agreement. It does paper over the cracks,” said Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform.
“It took them some time to agree on the eventual formula. They seem to have spent a long time arguing about whether there should be a ‘pause’ for humanitarian purposes, or ‘pauses.’ A lot of people apparently thought that the former sounded a bit too close to a ceasefire, which they didn't want to call for,” Bond said.

Future is Blue: Trade wars on wheels? The Commission investigates Chinese electric cars

26 October 2023
Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, shares great insights about the Commission investigation into Chinese state subsidies affecting cars imported to Europe. 

Europe's leaders wrangle over calling for pause in Gaza war for fear of undermining Israel

26 October 2023
“While Europeans can do little to affect the course of the conflict, they can help prevent some of its worst consequences from materialising,” said Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Two wars threaten to overload Europe’s leaders

26 October 2023
Managing both conflicts will be a struggle, said Luigi Scazzieri of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. “The EU will have to divide its attention and financial resources between Ukraine and Gaza. Ukraine will be overshadowed, and it will be harder for the EU to agree to providing large amounts of macroeconomic and military assistance to Kyiv.”

Réduction des normes européennes : engagement raisonné ou stratagème électoral ?

25 October 2023
Du point de vue de l’attractivité de l’UE, cette nouvelle boussole est en tout cas bienvenue, aux yeux de Zach Meyers, chercheur du Centre for European Reform. «En principe, je pense que cela devrait contribuer à rendre l’Europe plus attractive pour les investissements. Pour un temps, l’UE a été capable d’imposer de hauts standards sans compromettre cette attractivité, car elle s’appuyait sur ‘l’effet Bruxelles’» : le fait que de nombreuses entreprises internationales décident de s’aligner sur les standards européens à l’échelle mondiale pour plus de simplicité.
BBC News: EU pause in military activity is less ambitious than ceasefire

BBC News: EU pause in military activity is less ambitious than ceasefire

23 October 2023
Luigi Scazieri spoke to BBC News, "I think it's fair to say that the initial response [from the EU] was not particularly smooth. In the days immediately after the Hamas atrocities, there were visible divisions between the member-states and different parts of the EU institutions. And in particular, Commission President...
L’Europa e il conflitto di Gaza: peso limitato, poche buone opzioni

L’Europa e il conflitto di Gaza: peso limitato, poche buone opzioni

22 October 2023
Aspenia Online
La risposta iniziale dell’UE al conflitto tra Israele e Hamas è stata caotica.

Not so radical: Meloni marks one year in power

21 October 2023
Yahoo News
Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at London's Centre for European Reform, says her success so far lies in a "balancing act"."She's been able to pull off being both a moderate, being seen as a partner, and also being seen as a radical," he told AFP - although he questioned how long this would last.

Italian pääministeri Meloni erosi puolisostaan – Taustalla miehen seksistiset kommentit

21 October 2023
Helsingin Sanomat
”Olen lievästi huolissani siitä, että Melonin rakentavampi äänensävy tulee murenemaan tulevaisuudessa, koska hänellä ei ole esittää kovin paljon tuloksia [politiikkansa onnistumisista]”, sanoi Centre for European Reform -ajatushautomon vanhempi tutkija Luigi Scazzieri.
What could the European Political Community do for Britain?

What could the European Political Community do for Britain?

20 October 2023
People who are keen to see an improvement in UK-EU relations should not overestimate the power of the European Political Community, says Luigi Scazzieri.
The IMF should introduce a cap on its surging lending costs

The IMF should introduce a cap on its surging lending costs

18 October 2023
As the world’s finance ministers and central bankers gathered in Marrakech for the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund last week, they fretted that an already weak global economy might buckle further under ‘higher for longer’ interest rates.
Designing a US-EU industrial and trade policy

Designing a US-EU industrial and trade policy

Zach Meyers, Erik Brattberg, Frances Burwell, Jörn Fleck, Charles Lichfield, James Batchik and Emma Nix
18 October 2023
Atlantic Council
Washington and Brussels under the Joe Biden–Ursula von der Leyen presidencies have developed a strong working relationship on trade and industrial policy issues.