Britain & EU member-states

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Does the Windsor deal herald warmer ties between Britain and the EU?

Does the Windsor deal herald warmer ties between Britain and the EU?

01 March 2023
The Windsor deal on the Northern Ireland protocol may herald warmer UK-EU ties. It has strengthened von der Leyen and Sunak. But the Retained EU Law bill promises trouble.

The impact of the war in Ukraine: Annual report 2022

10 February 2023
The CER's annual report starts with an essay on how the war in Ukraine is changing Europe. The report then highlights some of the CER's most important publications and events from 2022.

25 years on, the CER is more necessary than ever

David Miliband
01 February 2023
I am very proud to have played a role in founding the Centre for European Reform. The CER has done stimulating and important work for the benefit of Britain and Europe. 

The CER's mission is as vital as ever

Nick Butler
01 February 2023
Although we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Centre for European Reform’s move into its first offices, the idea of a think-tank devoted to developments in Europe and committed to building better links between the UK and other member-states was conceived somewhat earlier.  
(L to R) Charles Clarke, Heather Grabbe and António Vitorino - Launch of 'Saving  Schengen',  Brussels,  January 2012

The CER at 25: Ahead of its times

Heather Grabbe
01 February 2023
Over 25 years, Charles Grant has often been asked “What are think-tanks for?” His answer has usually been: “Thinking long term.”
Early impacts of the post-Brexit immigration system on the UK labour market

Early impacts of the post-Brexit immigration system on the UK labour market

John Springford, Jonathan Portes
17 January 2023
The end of the free movement has led to a shortfall of around 330,000 workers in Britain. Most are in less-skilled sectors of the economy. 
The cost of Brexit to June 2022

The cost of Brexit to June 2022

21 December 2022
My latest update estimates Brexit reduced Britain's GDP by 5.5 per cent by the second quarter of 2022. My model avoids the cherry-picking of data, and performs better than its critics’ methods.

How the pandemic strengthened the EU

Camino Mortera-Martinez
01 December 2022
The EU has tried for years to become more resilient to global shocks. The new European Health Union is a good start. But the world is changing fast. 

The UK needs a chips strategy

01 December 2022
London wants chip-makers in Britain to support innovation. But using national security laws to engineer that outcome is counterproductive. Instead, the UK needs a more sober post-Brexit tech policy. 

UK science and technology after Brexit: How to fix it

28 November 2022
Brexit has hurt British science and slowed the deployment of new technology across its economy. Rejoining the single market may be politically unrealistic, but Britain can still limit the damage.

A world of troubles for Liz Truss

29 September 2022
The new prime minister faces huge foreign policy challenges. She needs to choose her friends, her enemies and her policies carefully. 

Can Truss reset relations with the EU?

29 September 2022
Britain’s new prime minister has the chance to rebuild bridges to the European Union. But it is unclear whether she will seize the opportunity.  

Trussonomics has failed at the first hurdle

29 September 2022
Are the UK’s institutions strong enough to stop the government’s wrong-headed fiscal policy? 
What Giorgia Meloni would mean for Europe

What Giorgia Meloni would mean for Europe

16 September 2022
A government led by Giorgia Meloni would lead to some turbulence between Rome and Brussels – particularly on migration and economic policy. But Italy’s EU and foreign policies – including towards Russia – are unlikely to change much.

How to fix the Northern Ireland Protocol

Hilary Benn
08 September 2022
Hilary Benn MP considers the stalemate between London and Brussels over the Northern Ireland Protocol and highlights key areas where both sides can achieve a compromise.
Macron is serious about the 'European Political Community'

Macron is serious about the 'European Political Community'

01 August 2022
French President Emmanuel Macron is committed to creating a ‘European Political Community’, distinct from the EU. European states not in the EU – including the UK – should take the concept seriously.
Italy after Draghi

Italy after Draghi

19 July 2022
Mario Draghi’s tenure as Italian prime minister could be ending. Draghi would leave Italy stronger than he found it, but it will be up to his successors not to squander his legacy.