Macroeconomics & the euro

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Can Keir Starmer reset relations with the EU?: Annual report 2024

Can Keir Starmer reset relations with the EU?: Annual report 2024

17 February 2025
The CER's annual report starts with an essay on whether Keir Starmer can reset relations with the EU.
Better regulation in Europe: An action plan for the next Commission

Better regulation in Europe: An action plan for the next Commission

19 March 2024
As Europe tries to boost its economic growth and become more innovative, the EU must reinvigorate the ‘better regulation’ agenda – and adapt it to how the EU institutions are evolving.
Europe and the superpowers: Responding to economic nationalism

Europe and the superpowers: Responding to economic nationalism

26 February 2024
Superpower competition poses a significant challenge for Europe's trade-intensive economy. The EU must evolve its toolkit and economic model to respond.
How should Europe handle China?: Annual report 2023

How should Europe handle China?: Annual report 2023

09 February 2024
The CER's annual report starts with an essay on how should Europe handle China. The report then highlights some of the CER's most important publications and events from 2023.
Delors, Schäuble and Europe's misdiagnosed competitiveness problem

Delors, Schäuble and Europe's misdiagnosed competitiveness problem

30 January 2024
European Commission President Jacques Delors and German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble left their mark on the European project. Their thinking can still help Europe out of its current geo-economic predicament. 
Why Europe should not worry about US out-performance

Why Europe should not worry about US out-performance

13 December 2023
The US has had stronger growth than Europe recently – but its out-performance is easily explainable. Instead of worrying about the US, Europe should focus on itself and avoid repeating past mistakes.
Europe should boost the Bretton Woods institutions

Europe should boost the Bretton Woods institutions

01 December 2023
The EU should reinforce the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to stave off a destabilising financing crunch for many emerging and developing economies.
Has the IMF’s lending become too expensive for its own good? The case for a lending rate cap

Has the IMF’s lending become too expensive for its own good? The case for a lending rate cap

Sander Tordoir, Tobias Krahnke
29 September 2023
The IMF risks losing relevance as multilateral provider of bailouts to countries in debt distress.
State of the Union: From Putin's war to a trade war?

State of the Union: From Putin's war to a trade war?

Zach Meyers, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Sander Tordoir
26 September 2023
If she wants the EU to be greener, fairer, and more resilient, Ursula von der Leyen, or whoever comes next, should stay away from trade spats and support a more ambitious industrial policy instead.
Germany needs a new growth model

Germany needs a new growth model

Sander Tordoir, Shahin Vallée
30 June 2023
Berlin should fundamentally reset its growth strategy, rather than clinging to a failing model of industrial export corporatism.
Five proposals for enforceable EU fiscal rules

Five proposals for enforceable EU fiscal rules

Sander Tordoir, Jasper van Dijk, Vinzenz Ziesemer
17 April 2023
As the EU reforms its fiscal rules it risks repeating past mistakes. The EU should couple Commission discretion with stronger enforcement mechanisms to get member-states to follow debt reduction plans.

Ditchley conference report: Macroeconomics in a time of pandemic and war

24 February 2023
In November, the CER held its annual economics conference on the macroeconomic consequences of the pandemic and Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

A year of war in Europe: The balance sheet

22 February 2023
Since Russia attacked Ukraine, the CER has tracked the war’s effect on the protagonists, the EU, NATO and other powers. What conclusions can be drawn from the past year?

The impact of the war in Ukraine: Annual report 2022

10 February 2023
The CER's annual report starts with an essay on how the war in Ukraine is changing Europe. The report then highlights some of the CER's most important publications and events from 2022.
Hungary, Poland and the EU: It's the money, stupid?

Hungary, Poland and the EU: It's the money, stupid?

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Sander Tordoir
08 February 2023
After years playing by the legal book, the EU is now using its purse strings to curb democratic backsliding in Poland and Hungary. This is a good tactic, but not a sustainable strategy in the long-term.
Europe's central bankers should cherish their disagreements

Europe's central bankers should cherish their disagreements

Sander Tordoir, Shahin Vallée
20 December 2022
Promoting an open debate instead of forging consensus behind closed doors could make the European Central Bank’s decision-making culture more effective.
The European Stability Mechanism is not ready for the next crisis

The European Stability Mechanism is not ready for the next crisis

29 November 2022
Eurozone finance ministers just appointed a new head of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). They should seize the opportunity to turn the ESM into a more useful institution.

Using sanctioned Russian assets to rebuild Ukraine will not be easy

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Zach Meyers
03 August 2022
Funding Ukraine’s reconstruction with confiscated assets from Russian elites will be legally complex. Seizing Russia’s frozen foreign reserves may prove easier.
A new EU fiscal regime could make the ECB truly independent

A new EU fiscal regime could make the ECB truly independent

30 June 2022
The ECB must be free to target inflation and prevent spreads rising without encouraging fiscal irresponsibility. A new, credible fiscal regime is needed, with a permanent EU green investment fund at its centre.
Why would anyone use a central bank digital currency?

Why would anyone use a central bank digital currency?

07 June 2022
Central banks are rushing to pilot their own digital currencies. These may sound exciting. But they may offer users few compelling benefits they do not already enjoy.
