The single market & competition policy

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What does Theresa May's speech tell us about how Britain will leave the EU?

17 January 2017
Theresa May has decided on a hard Brexit, putting sovereignty ahead of economics. She thinks the negotiations will take only two years, but they will take longer.

Customs union membership is no way out of the Brexit trap

16 December 2016
Remaining in the customs union seems to be the least damaging way for Britain to ‘take back control’, but it is fraught with difficulties.

Brexit and the economics of populism

Simon Tilford, John Springford
12 December 2016
Inequality, insecurity and a nativist backlash against immigration all help to explain the rise of populism. But globalisation does not prevent governments from addressing these problems.

Brussels prepares for a hard Brexit

21 November 2016
The EU institutions predict a painful divorce for the UK, because they see hard-line eurosceptics pushing Theresa May away from a soft Brexit.
Sterling slump won't rescue the British economy

Sterling slump won't rescue the British economy

John Springford, Simon Tilford
21 October 2016
The 2008 devaluation did not prompt strong growth in British exports. The post-referendum fall in the pound is unlikely to do so either.

Can Britain join Norway in the EEA?

09 June 2016
Pro-EU MPs might try to force the UK to accept membership of the EEA – the ‘Norway option’ – if Britain votes to leave the EU. Charles Grant and John Springford debate whether this is likely.

Would an 'independent' Britain want to join the single market?

24 February 2016
Three economic rules mean that Britain would seek to join the EU's single market if it were not already a member.
Brexit and EU regulation: A bonfire of the vanities?

Brexit and EU regulation: A bonfire of the vanities?

03 February 2016
EU rules are no straitjacket for the British economy, and repealing them would be damaging: divergent regulations between the EU and the UK would curb trade and investment.

Has the euro been a failure?

Simon Tilford, John Springford, Christian Odendahl
11 January 2016
The euro has not been a positive economic and political force. But keeping the single currency together could still be less risky than dismantling it.
Gain or more pain in Spain?

Gain or more pain in Spain?

Simon Tilford
19 October 2015
Spain is no poster child for austerity and structural reforms. The recovery is less than it appears and the country faces some formidable challenges.
Will the eurozone reap what it has sown?

Will the eurozone reap what it has sown?

Simon Tilford
24 September 2015
The slowdown in emerging markets leaves the eurozone even more reliant on exports to the US and UK to compensate for its feeble domestic economy.
How to keep Greece in

How to keep Greece in

Christian Odendahl
27 July 2015
Unless the eurozone invests economically and politically in the future of Greece, the country's future in the single currency remains in doubt.
Could eurozone integration damage the single market?

Could eurozone integration damage the single market?

27 July 2015
Britain fears that the eurozone could caucus and impose rules on the EU single market. So David Cameron is asking for safeguards to protect the market.
Bulletin issue 103 August/September 2015

Issue 103 - 2015

Charles Grant, Christian Odendahl, Ian Bond, Rem Korteweg
27 July 2015
Offline? How Europe can catch up with US technology

Offline? How Europe can catch up with US technology

26 July 2015
The EU should not fret about the power of US internet giants. The take-up of digital technology across the services sector is more important than a 'European Google'.
The Greek bailout deal resolves nothing

The Greek bailout deal resolves nothing

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
13 July 2015
Even if the new bailout makes it through the Greek parliament in coming weeks, the programme's economic incoherence will make it fall apart.
Legal options

Thomas Cromwell or the executioner's axe? Options for a Grexit

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Camino Mortera-Martinez
10 July 2015
EU lawyers are working to find a creative way to accommodate a Grexit if it becomes inevitable. None of the options are legally watertight or desirable.
5 presidents' report

The eurozone's 'five presidents' report': An assessment

Christian Odendahl
22 June 2015
The long-awaited report rightly aims to complete a financial union in the eurozone, but over-emphasises structural reforms and underplays the need for stronger counter-cyclical policies.

Greece: After a deal, work on a solution

Christian Odendahl
11 June 2015
A deal between Greece and its creditors is still likely but what the country really needs is a Greece-led, cross-party plan to transform its institutions.