The single market & competition policy

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What would a Brexit mean for EU competition policy?

What would a Brexit mean for EU competition policy?

Alec Burnside
30 September 2013
A British exit from the EU could have important repercussions for competition policy. Britain and the remaining EU countries would both be affected.
Banking union – or Potemkin village?

Banking union – or Potemkin village?

Philip Whyte
27 September 2013
Since mid-2012, the eurozone crisis has been in remission. The period of relative calm which has prevailed since then has not been the product of an upturn in economic fortunes: until the recent summer uptick, the eurozone had suffered six consecutive quarters of declining activity and rising unemployment (a result in part of synchronised fiscal austerity across the region as a whole).
The future of Europe's economy: Disaster or deliverance?

The future of Europe's economy: Disaster or deliverance?

Paul De Grauwe, George Magnus, Thomas Mayer, Holger Schmieding
18 September 2013
Four leading economists give widely divergent diagnoses of the eurozone's problems and very different policy prescriptions. The EU's future could depend upon which is right.
Can national parliaments make the EU legitimate?

Can national parliaments make the EU more legitimate?

10 June 2013
The euro crisis has hit the EU's legitimacy. Part of the answer is to give national parliamentarians a bigger role in the EU.
The CER commission on the UK and the single market

The CER commission on the UK and the single market

07 June 2013
The CER's commission was launched this week. Policy experts, economists and business people will examine the economic case for and against EU membership.
Why the has eurozone's recovery been weaker than the US's?

Why has the eurozone's recovery been weaker than the US's?

Philip Whyte
24 May 2013
The eurozone has experienced a much weaker economic recovery than the US since 2009. The reason is that it has made more glaring policy mistakes.
A dose of inflation would help the eurozone medicine go down

A dose of inflation would help the eurozone medicine go down

Simon Tilford
16 May 2013
Eurozone policy-makers are complacent about the risks of low inflation. If the euro is to survive, inflation will need to rise significantly, especially in Germany.
It’s the politics, stupid!

It's the politics, stupid!

Simon Tilford
25 March 2013
Many economists have been accused of being too gloomy about the euro because they underestimate the degree of political commitment that eurozone countries have made to the euro.
Do Britain's European ties damage its prosperity?

Do Britain's European ties damage its prosperity?

Philip Whyte
22 March 2013
Leaving the EU would not resolve Britain's economic difficulties, which are mostly home-grown. However, it could turn Britain into a more closed economy.
The UK and the single market file thumbnail

The UK and the single market

15 March 2013
There is no threshold beyond which the removal of trade barriers becomes ineffective, at least in economic terms. Barriers to trade are numerous, and eliminating them is a potentially limitless process.
Why British prosperity is hobbled by a rigged land market

Why British prosperity is hobbled by a rigged land market

Simon Tilford
13 February 2013
The British have the least living space, highest office rents and most congested infrastructure in the EU-15. A rigged market for land is to blame.
Europe places too much faith in supply-side policies

Europe places too much faith in supply-side policies

Simon Tilford
18 January 2013
The damage done to Europe's growth potential by very low investment and mass unemployment is likely to offset the benefits of structural reforms.
A multi-tier Europe? The political consequences of the euro crisis

A multi-tier Europe? The political consequences of the euro crisis

Katinka Barysch
07 December 2012
Euro members must integrate more to save the single currency. But will a two-tier EU destroy the single market and lose the support of the people?
What a banking union means for Europe

What a banking union means for Europe

Philip Whyte
05 December 2012
A full banking union is needed to stabilise the eurozone. However, even an embryonic union could drive a wedge between the eurozone and the EU-27.
Germany's opposition and the euro crisis

Germany's opposition and the euro crisis

Katinka Barysch
26 November 2012
Although Germany’s next general election is not scheduled until October 2013, the campaign started in earnest on 28 September 2012.
Eurozone: Trouble in the core?

Eurozone: Trouble in the core?

Simon Tilford
26 November 2012
Many people lazily assume that the eurozone is now split into a strong, prosperous core and a weak, depressed periphery.