
Judy Asks: Can Merkel pull through?

Christian Odendahl
22 November 2017
Carnegie Europe
When I floated the idea of a German minority government in early September and argued that there were upsides to it, the reaction was critical, bordering on hostile.

CER podcast series: How to save the EU

Sophia Besch, Christian Odendahl, Anand Menon, Yascha Mounk, Heather Grabbe, Constanze Stelzenmüller, Catherine Mann, Barry Eichengreen
22 November 2017
In November, the CER took more than 50 of Europe's top economists and political commentators to a conference on 'How to save the EU'.

The British machine is 'Getting its act together' on Brexit

22 November 2017
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, which has a track record of predicting the next steps in Brexit talks, said the perception in Brussels of the British team has improved, and with it the chances of a deal to allow negotiations to move from separation to trade. “EU officials say that British officials are being impressive, and guiding the politicians. The Treasury is more involved and that pleases them, because the Treasury is switched on,” Grant said in an interview. “May is more involved and that pleases them. The British machine is getting its act together.”

EU Commission gives grave WARNING to UK businesses after Barnier SCRAPS passporting rights

22 November 2017
The Express
The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Monday that if the UK leave the single market then financial firms will lose their EU passporting rights. He claimed the UK cannot “cherry pick” at aspects of the single market and it will lose the benefits of the single market when it leaves the European Union. Speaking at a conference by the Centre for European Reform, Mr Barnier said: “On financial services, UK voices suggest that Brexit does not mean Brexit. Brexit means Brexit, everywhere.

Keine Angst vor dem Gespenst Minderheitsregierung!

Christian Odendahl
21 November 2017
Die Welt
Seit die FDP die Verhandlungen über Jamaika platzen ließ, geht in Deutschland ein Gespenst um: das Gespenst der Minderheitsregierung.

Brexiteers call on May to exploit Merkel crisis

21 November 2017
The Times
The developments in Britain took place as Michel Barnier, the EU Brexit negotiator, backed Ireland’s bid to avoid a hard border. “I know that this point is politically sensitive in the UK, it is not less sensitive in Ireland,” he said at a Centre for European Reform conference in Brussels yesterday.

Merkel's troubles may spell trouble for all of Europe

21 November 2017
The New York Times
“I don’t think it makes much difference to Brexit in the short term, because the positions of various parties in Berlin are all pretty hard-line on the issues,” said Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform. “But it might matter in the long term, because if the negotiations get stuck, Merkel and Macron could intervene to get a deal,” he said. “That might not happen if Merkel disappears, because the EU got used to her knocking heads together.”

Macron takes Europe's center stage while Merkel falters

Simon Tilford
21 November 2017
The Daily Mail
"Macron can only really lead Europe if he is in full cooperation with Germany," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform. "France needs an engaged, co-operative Germany."

Barnier raises Irish obstacle as UK moves on Brexit bill

20 November 2017
Barnier told a Centre for European Reform conference in Brussels on Monday that Northern Ireland will require a specific solution and that it’s up to “those who wanted Brexit” to come up with ideas. In comments that will rile the pro-UK. Northern Irish party that props up Theresa May’s government, he said Northern Ireland already has different rules to Britain. “Unique circumstances require specific solutions,” he said.

EU takes tough approach to Brexit as talks enter key weeks

20 November 2017
The Daily Mail
Michel Barnier told a conference in Brussels that London needs to provide clear proposals soon to find a way for the UK to leave the EU in 2019 but still have a transparent, open border between Northern Ireland and EU member Ireland. "Those who wanted Brexit must offer solutions," Barnier told a Centre for European Reform conference in Brussels.

Barnier: UK must provide solution for Irish border

20 November 2017
Financial Times
Michel Barnier said the onus was on the UK “to come forward with proposals” to avoid imposing a physical border in Ireland amid talks Northern Ireland could stay part of the EU’s single market and customs union after Brexit.“Those who want Brexit must offer solutions”, said Mr Barnier at a Centre for European Reform conference in Brussels on Monday. The UK has resisted plans to allow Northern Ireland to become an effective “special economic area” within Britain.

Michel Barnier hints talks on a Brexit trade deal will collapse if the UK doesn’t sign up to ALL European rules

20 November 2017
The Sun
In a speech to the Centre for European Reform which will enrage Eurosceptics, Mr Barnier insisted that any attempt to create new rules after Brexit even on domestic issues such as farming and healthcare will meet fierce resistance from the EU.

BBC Newsnight: German coalition talks collapse

Sophia Besch
20 November 2017
Sophia Besch, research fellow at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Newsnight about the collapse in the German coalition talks (from 03.05).

Channel 4 News: Michel Barnier

20 November 2017
Michel Barnier speaking at the Centre for European Reform conference in Brussels (from 23.25 mins).

EU negotiator rules out special Brexit deal for UK banks

20 November 2017
The Irish Times
The European Union’s Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has ruled out the prospect of UK financial firms benefiting from a special post-Brexit deal that will give them continued access to Europe’s single market.“Those who claim that the UK should cherry-pick part of the single market must stop this contradiction,” Mr Barnier said at the Centre for European reform conference in Brussels on Monday.“The single market is a package of four indivisible freedoms, common rules, institutions and enforcement structure. The UK knows these rules very well, like the back of its hand. It has contributed to defining them.”

Barnier warns City of London to scale down Brexit hopes

20 November 2017
Financial Times
Mr Barnier argued there would be a risk to Europe’s financial stability if the continent’s main financial centre was outside the EU’s regulatory orbit. While co-operation would be possible at international level, Mr Barnier said this could never amount to the type of access enjoyed by Britain under the single market. “Let’s not have a short memory!” he said, referring to the financial crisis. “We will not compromise on financial stability — we will never compromise on financial stability — in the EU and in the eurozone.” His assessment came in a speech to the Centre for European Reform that highlighted the hurdles remaining if Britain is to achieve “sufficient progress” in divorce negotiations by a crucial December summit.

London loses EU agencies to Paris and Amsterdam in Brexit relocation

20 November 2017
The Guardian
“Brexit means Brexit,” he said, turning Theresa May’s line back on her. “The same people who argue for setting the UK free also argue that the UK should remain in some EU agencies. But freedom implies responsibility for building new UK administrative capacity,” he told a Brussels conference hosted by the Centre for European Reform.

EU nations will block Brexit deal if Britain ditches Brussels regulations, warns Michel Barnier

20 November 2017
The Times
“The UK has chosen to leave the EU. Does it want to stay close to the European model or does it want to gradually move away from it?” he said at the Centre for European Reform in Brussels.Mr Barnier reminded the British government that any future trade agreement with the EU must be ratified in at least 38 national and regional parliaments, as well as by MEPs, before it can come into force.

Have our cake and eat it? ‘No’ says Barnier

20 November 2017
The New European
In his speech to the Centre for European Reform think-tank, he added that it was for the UK to “come forward with proposals” for how to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic, raising the possibility that different rules could be applied in Northern Ireland and the mainland. Barnier even used Theresa May’s much-mocked catchphrase “Brexit means Brexit” as he dismissed the “contradictions” of Leave supporters who argue that Britain can continue to enjoy some of the benefits of the single market while ditching its core principle of freedom of movement.

Britain should be a 'RULE-TAKER' to Brussels: Mandelson rages at demands for Hard Brexit

20 November 2017
The Express
Lord Mandelson said the Cabinet has no united vision of what a future partnership with the EU should look like and suggested Brussels should not trigger sufficient progress next month either. In a gloomy appearance the prominent Remain campaigner and chief ally of Tony Blair warned the UK will “never be an equal partner” to Brussels and should accept its fate as a “rule taker”.