Foreign policy & defence

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Defence spending in NATO: Stop convincing Trump, start convincing Europeans

Sophia Besch
10 July 2018
Trump’s desire to get Europeans to "pay up" will bring about conflict at the NATO Summit. It is important to get the facts right.

Game over? Europe's cyber problem

Camino Mortera-Martinez
09 July 2018
The EU knows that a cyber war is happening, but not how to fight it. To be up to speed, the bloc needs to update its cyber security plan

Trump's two summits: Can NATO navigate the dangers?

04 July 2018
Donald Trump attacked his allies at the G7 summit, then embraced North Korea’s Kim. Will summits with NATO and Vladimir Putin follow the same pattern?

Beyond firefighting: An EU strategy for Gaza

Beth Oppenheim
29 June 2018
The EU should respond more robustly to the recent violence in Gaza. The Trump administration is not a credible mediator; the EU should step in.

Moving on after Galileo – lessons (to be) learnt

Sophia Besch
28 June 2018
The EU and the UK have not been able to come to an agreement over Britain’s participation in the Galileo programme.

Plugging in the British: Completing the circuit

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Camino Mortera-Martinez
22 June 2018
Post-Brexit internal and external security co-operation arrangements seem as hard for the EU and UK to agree on as trade. Other third countries’ relationships with the EU provide models.

Trump and Europe: Atlantic hurricane season?

30 May 2018
Trump's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal adds further stress to the transatlantic relationship. European responses must avoid making things worse, for both sides' sake.

Can EU-UK defence negotiations be positive-sum?

Sophia Besch
30 May 2018
It is clearly in Britain and the European Union’s mutual interest to continue working closely together on defence after Brexit. Nevertheless, negotiating defence co-operation will not be pain-free; there are obstacles to a quick and easy deal.

EU has little choice but to try to keep the Iran deal alive

11 May 2018
The EU is unlikely to risk a major confrontation with the US over the Iran deal. But even small steps can help buy time and preserve the deal.

Has the last trump sounded for the transatlantic partnership?

04 May 2018
European leaders cannot take transatlantic partnership for granted in the Donald Trump era. They need to shore up support on both sides of the Atlantic.

A hitchhiker's guide to Galileo and Brexit

Sophia Besch
03 May 2018
The debate between the UK and the EU over British participation in the EU’s space programme ‘Galileo’ shows how difficult it will be to disentangle economic and security interests during Brexit negotiations. 

Plugging in the British: EU defence policy

Sophia Besch
26 April 2018
Both Britain and the EU would benefit from working together to keep Europe safe, even after Brexit. But economic protectionism and a desire for autonomy may get in the way.

No shock in Russian election: But can Europe surprise Putin?

26 March 2018
After his re-election, the West is more likely to face Putin the aggressive nationalist than Putin the economic reformer. It should respond firmly.

Bulletin Issue 119 - April/May 2018

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Ian Bond, Camino Mortera-Martinez
22 March 2018

Plugging in the British: EU foreign policy

06 March 2018
As part of the EU, the UK has been able to leverage the resources of other member-states to support Britain’s foreign and development priorities. After Brexit, that will be harder.

The fight for liberal values: Annual report 2017

Charles Grant, Ian Bond, Simon Tilford
06 February 2018
The CER's annual report features essays on the creation of the CER, the CER at 20, Brexit, economics and Donald Trump's impact on geopolitics, it also highlights some of our work on foreign and defence policy.

From 14 points to 280 characters: Trump vs Wilson

22 January 2018
Woodrow Wilson's 14 points of January 1918 were the first sketch of the liberal, rules-based international order. A century later, Donald Trump risks demolishing the edifice.

Nord Stream 2: More hot air than gas?

Noah Gordon
12 January 2018
Some EU member-states see the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline as Russia’s latest anti-European weapon. But even if they are right, the threat can be mitigated.