The single market & competition policy

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Bulletin issue 41

Issue 41 - 2005

Charles Grant, Katinka Barysch, Mark Leonard, John Monks
25 March 2005
The Lisbon scorecard V: Can Europe compete?

The Lisbon scorecard V: Can Europe compete?

Alasdair Murray, Aurore Wanlin
01 March 2005
The EU is half-way through its ten year programme of economic reform, the 'Lisbon agenda'. The EU is unlikely to achieve its goal of becoming the world's most competitive and dynamic economy by 2010.
A fair referee?

A fair referee? The European Commission and EU competition policy

Alasdair Murray
01 October 2004
The EU's policies for enforcing competition and restricting state subsidies are among its biggest success stories. But the way the European Commission conducts these policies is coming under attack.
The Lisbon scorecard IV

The Lisbon scorecard IV: The status of economic reform in the enlarging EU

Aladair Murray
05 March 2004
With cynicism, even derision – this is how many Europeans look at the EU's key economic target, namely to become the "most competitive and dynamic, knowledge-based economy in the world" by 2010.
Policing public sector aid

Policing public sector aid

Alasdair Murray
02 February 2004
Europe's powerful public sector trade unions are campaigning to protect public services from the disciplines of EU competition and state aid laws.
Bulletin issue 34

Issue 34 - 2004

Steven Everts, Heather Grabbe, Alasdair Murray
30 January 2004
A pact for stability and growth

A pact for stability and growth

Katinka Barysch
03 October 2003
The stability and growth pact – the EU’s fiscal rule book – is in tatters. The eurozone’s largest countries, Germany and France, are in breach of the pact, having exceeded the 3 per cent of GDP limit for budget deficits in 2002 and 2003. Theyare likely to do so again...
If it's broken, fix it!

If it's broken, fix it!

Katinka Barysch
01 October 2003
Europeans are right to worry about their economy. Forecasters think that the eurozone economy will grow by a paltry 0.5 per cent this year. But the real problem is that Europe's sluggish performance is part of a long-term trend.
Bulletin issue 32

Issue 32 - 2003

Katinka Barysch, Nick Butler, Steven Everts
26 September 2003
Der Lissabon-Anzeiger

Der Lissabon-Anzeiger: EU Wirtschaftsreformen vor der Osterweiterung

Alasdair Murray
05 September 2003
Als sich im März 2000 die EU-Staatschefs zum Gipfel in Lissabon versammelten, schien Europas Wirtschaft am Anfang eines neuen goldenen Zeitalters zu stehen. Die Wachstumsraten waren die höchsten seit nahezu einem Jahrzehnt.
The Lisbon scorecard III

The Lisbon scorecard III: The status of economic reform in the enlarging EU

Alasdair Murray
07 March 2003
Three years into the EU's Lisbon economic reform agenda, the EU remains far from meeting its goal of becoming the 'most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010'.
Does enlargement matter for the EU economy?

Does enlargement matter for the EU economy?

Katinka Barysch
07 March 2003
The economies of the new member-states are too small to have much impact on the current EU. The EU as a whole has gained from enlargement and will continue to do so. But labour intensive industries and border regions will have to cope with increased competition. Germany, Austria and other...
Competition policy

A credible competition process

Alasdair Murray
02 December 2002
The European Commission's handling of competition policy is facing a crisis of credibility. In the last six months, the Commission which had never previously lost a merger case has suffered three reversals in the European Court of Justice.
Bulletin issue 27

Issue 27 - 2002

Friedrich Heinemann, Alasdair Murray, Peter Sutherland
29 November 2002
A half-finished job: The EU’s financial services action plan

A half-finished job: The EU’s financial services action plan

Alasdair Murray
01 November 2002
At the Lisbon summit in March 2000, EU heads of government signed up to an ambitious programme designed to achieve a viable single market in financial services by 2005. The financial services action plan (FSAP) is an attempt to reduce the legal obstacles which still prevent businesses – whether retail...
European economic reform

European economic reform: Tackling the delivery deficit

Alasdair Murray
04 October 2002
The EU has set itself a series of ambitious economic reform goals but has so far failed to deliver on its promises. Alasdair Murray argues in this report that the Convention on the future of Europe and the forthcoming inter governmental conference provide an opportunity for the EU to think afresh about how it can overcome the institutional obstacles to economic reform.
Capital markets

New rules for capital markets

Alasdair Murray
01 August 2002
The fallout from the Enron and WorldCom corporate scandals in the United States will resonate through global securities markets for years to come.
EU Commission

Reforming the commission

Alasdair Murray
01 August 2002
The fallout from the Enron and WorldCom corporate scandals in the United States will resonate through global securities markets for years to come.
Issue 25 - 2002 file thumbnail

Issue 25 - 2002

Heather Grabbe, Alasdair Murray
26 July 2002
Bulletin issue 24

Issue 24 - 2002

Ulrike Guérot, Daniel Keohane, Antonio Missiroli
31 May 2002