
ORF TV THEK: Doing business with the UK post-Brexit

24 April 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform speaks to OFR TV THEK (from 02.25 mins) about his expectations for a Brexit deal and the impact Britain’s withdrawal from the EU will have on Austrian and other European companies doing business with the UK.

LBC: How will Russia react to allied strike on Syria

14 April 2018
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks to LBC about how Russia will react or retaliate to the allied strikes on Syria. 

BBC Newsnight: British EU ignorance is harming UK interests - Viewsnight

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
04 April 2018
In this Viewsnight, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska of the CER argues that if the British government doesn't pay more attention to the European Parliament, it could get a bad Brexit deal.

Channel 4 News: What are the prospects for UK trade after Brexit?

Sam Lowe
28 March 2018
A year tomorrow Britain formally leaves the European Union, Sam Lowe of the CER joined Gary Gibon to disuss the deals the UK could do with countries across the world and what will they want from us in return.

BBC World News: Russia spy poisoning

15 March 2018
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks on the recent Russia spy poisoning in Salisbury.

Tok FM: Jak próba zabójstwa Siergieja Skripala może wpłynąć na negocjacje Wielkiej Brytanii z Unią Europejską?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
14 March 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about the Sergei Skripal poisoning and Brexit.

BBC Radio 5 live - Drive: Trump and steel tariffs

Sam Lowe
09 March 2018
Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Radio 5 live on the new tariffs President Trump has imposed on steel and aluminium to the US (from 14:15 mins).

IIEA: Thinking about the EU-27: Expert views from across Europe Q&A session

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
07 March 2018
Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre of European Reform took part in an IIEA debate on the European reforms that have been proposed by Presidents Juncker and Macron, and to present perspectives on the future of Europe from Poland, Spain and Austria.

CNBC: Brexit: Analysts preview the next stage of talks between the EU and UK

Sam Lowe
02 March 2018
Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform, and Bill Cash of the European Scrutiny Committee, discuss the latest Brexit developments.

BBC Newsnight: EU-27 deals

02 March 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform told Mark Urban that although quite a few EU countries want a broader deal than the Commission, France and Germany, they lack a leader (from 17.18 mins).

Tok FM: Corbyn opowiedział się za nową unią celną z UE. Jaką?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
27 February 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Jeremy Corbyn's speech on Brexit and the customs union on 27th February 2018.

BBC Radio 4 - The World Tonight: Selmayr controversy

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
27 February 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Adam Fleming about Martin Selmayr and his new role (from 24:21 mins).

The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change - Podcast: A Germany special - politics and defence

Sophia Besch
19 February 2018
Shashank Joshi and Simon Tilford of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change sit down with the Centre for European Reform's Sophia Besch to discuss the twists and turns of Germany's coalition talks, and the state of Germany's military. 

BBC Radio 4 - Today programme: Free ports

Sam Lowe
13 February 2018
Free ports could potentially bring some local benefits after Brexit, but they won’t outweigh the costs of leaving the European customs union said Sam Lowe, a research fellow at the CER (from 1: 27 mins).

BBC Radio 4 - A very British battle

Sophia Besch
12 February 2018
Sophia Besch, a research fellow at the CER speaks to Caroline Wyatt about the UK’s future defence relationship with Europe after Brexit (from 12:40 mins).

Polityka Insight: Brexit

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 February 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform in conversation with Marek Świerczyński, Senior Analyst for Security Affairs, Polityka Insight.

BBC World Service - Newshour: Germany's coalition deal

Sophia Besch
07 February 2018
 Sophia Besch, a research fellow a the CER speaks to BBC Newshour about Germany's coalition deal.

Parliament Live: Exiting the European Union Committee

06 February 2018
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform speaks at the Exiting the European Union Committee on why the Swiss model as it stands is not appropriate for the UK (from 10:42).

Channel 4 News: UK will stay in EU 'longer than two-year transition'

05 February 2018
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, warned Britain may not have a clean break from the EU.

BBC Radio 4 - Today programme: Charles Grant debates Jacob Rees-Mogg on the pros and cons of customs union membership

03 February 2018
Charles Grant debates Jacob Rees-Mogg on the pros and cons of customs union membership and related politics (from 1:12).